Episode 380 : Ice Cream Bunny

Part 2 of 2. Tony gets really mad at a really bad movie, William constantly dozes off, and we are harassed by a former Welshman. Enjoy!



Do you anticipate a change in career, as is popular these days. If so, what would you do? –Stu

If the technology becomes routine, would you pay to be a space tourist? –Stu (*eg, a trip on a Virgin Galactice plane, or on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin)



This is what we watched in between recording episodes.


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Episode 379 : Pockets!

So, this is part 1 of 2. Which means we did this an hour ago. So my memory is a little fuzzy on what this was about. But I know that Tony told one of his patented “best jokes in the world,” and then we did an expose’ on the seedy underbelly of women’s clothing design. Enjoy!

*indicates a question was abridged


So, women’s clothing sizing. Sexist, manipulative, insane, or some combination there of?  –Azuretalon

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Episode 378 : Elder Bill

We get another peek into William’s mysterious past this week. And discuss Solo, because Tony finally saw it. And Tony lives vicariously through William as he watches Game of Thrones. Oh, and gender roles. Enjoy!



In the Mass Effect games, do you play as Femshep or Broshep. –Mark McKibben


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Episode 377 : Space Western

A lot of movies to cover, early on. Then some catch up on travels, video games, and health. And then possibly the strangest tangent of the “hotdog/sandwich” debate to date. Enjoy!


*indicates question was abbreviated

*Pop Tarts are ravioli. Prove me wrong. –Azuretalon P.S. I’m starting a podcast about a shoe that talks.


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Episode 376 : Mystery Episode 44

Yes, they’re evil. But they’re a big help. And no, we don’t know how it happens. Enjoy!



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Episode 375 : Stu is Racist

Fun episode tonight. And Stu’s not really racist. We just call him racist. A lot. Cuz it’s fun. Anyway, we talk about some movies, and video games, and news, and… you know how it works. Enjoy!



Where do you get your news? –Stu



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Episode 374 : Watergate Cinematic Universe

We rag on the Oscars, and learn a lot about actor Freddie Highmore tonight. Also, updates on old projects, and Tony says a couple of his best pointless stories! Enjoy!



Whatever happened to the Briar Rose project? –Craig


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Episode 373 : Not Jungian Enough

I’ll be honest, this episode is mostly about Infinity War. With a little foreword from William about Batman. Enjoy!



Tony, Did you Remember to eat pork sausage on Ground Hog day? William, Sorry I don’t have a meat free option for this pun. –Azuretalon


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Episode 372 : Societal Freedom

Some serious family stuff up front, but then we get into plenty silly and dumb stuff after, don’t worry. And we break down society to its barest components. Enjoy!



Srsly, Why do my questions keep getting doubled? –Azuretalon

Where do you feel the balance between individual freedom and societal freedom lies?       –Craig

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Episode 371 : Aya Sofia

Tony tells those of you near St. Louis about the best thing ever! Also, some movie talk, both old and new. And a detailed explanation of Iron Chef, followed by another best thing ever. Enjoy!



How long do you expect you’ll live? –Beth


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