Episode 380 : Ice Cream Bunny

Part 2 of 2. Tony gets really mad at a really bad movie, William constantly dozes off, and we are harassed by a former Welshman. Enjoy!



Do you anticipate a change in career, as is popular these days. If so, what would you do? –Stu

If the technology becomes routine, would you pay to be a space tourist? –Stu (*eg, a trip on a Virgin Galactice plane, or on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin)



This is what we watched in between recording episodes.


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One Response to Episode 380 : Ice Cream Bunny

  1. Mark says:

    Previously On: I suspect it’s either a computer program reading the words or at best one voice actor per network.

    Serialized podcasts: Actually, the previous episode of a serialized podcast I listened to was TMTH (ep 379).

    Ant Man & the Wasp: It was fun, not great, but fun.

    Tag: I think it looks fun, but I’m not interested enough to pay full ticket price for it. Maybe once it hits the cheap seats.

    Hotel Artemis: This strikes me as something I’d be willing to watch as a matinee for some summer film watching.

    Steel Dawn: I vaguely recall seeing the cover art for it but don’t remember seeing the movie. I have seen Red Dawn and recall enjoying it but then the last time I saw it was probably back in high school. It’s a shame that your prank order of Steel Dawn was ruined.

    Change in career: Nope, though like William I suppose I’ll do something different when I retire (possibly some sort of volunteer work).

    Space Tourism: If the price comes down enough that I could afford it; then hell yeah I’d do it.

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