Episode 383 : I have Syphilis!

Tony makes a shocking announcement about his health! Then it’s movies and TV, and the great saga of the “June 30th game.” And then, potatoes. Enjoy!



Steamed, baked, or fried potatoes? –Cawfee


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4 Responses to Episode 383 : I have Syphilis!

  1. Stuart says:

    Man, I am utterly failing at the current affairs thing, at the moment. I like the idea of filtering down to just NPR, plus a few science/tech blogs which manage to largely avoid politics. But yeah, as if day to day life wasn’t stressful enough, you can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders if you try to assimilate everything going on right now. As Tony mentioned though, I don’t want to be ignorant, and so finding that balance is tricky. Will try NPR, and obviously continuing to donate to various good causes. One of which should probably be NPR and PBS 🙂

    I can tell when I haven’t had my bout of escapism, as is the life of a parent sometimes. I’m almost too tired for gaming at night with seasonal allergies kicking my bum, and have been nursing a game of ME: Andromeda since forever. Currently reading The Expanse series, it’s somehow easier to consume a book when you’re knackered.

    Spuds! Mashed. Has to be mashed. Evidently, my family thinks I’m some sort of Michelin chef when it comes to mash, but I just throw some butter and milk in there, and then pulverize it. No skill involved. Seems to work! Chopped up spring (green) onions, if you’re feeling fancy.

    Not going to lie though, the Midwest introduced me to tater tot casserole, which is outstanding. I prefer croquet potatoes, which are essentially a larger UK version of tater tots, so the potato to breading ratio is higher, but tater tot casserole, wowzers.

  2. Alan says:

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Alan says:

    Don’t forget to watch When Harry Met Sally (1989).

  4. Mark says:

    UTI: That sounds… unpleasant.

    GoT: Meh.

    Ant Man and the Wasp: I didn’t think it was all that bad.

    Treasure Island: Well yeah, it’s an adventure book not a pirate book. Similarly, Goonies was an adventure movie.

    Tag: Sounds like I need to save this one for an evening’s Netflix.

    Tony’s Games: Both the one-shot and your Dresden Files sound like they were (or will be) hella fun.

    Potatoes: Fried (french fries or hashbrowns). Mashed can be nice, but I actually prefer instant mashed potatoes vs mashing potatoes (less lumps).

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