Episode 503 : Buy More Soda

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Tony’s not awake for this episode. Might be dead. But it doesn’t stop him from getting very angry at one drink commercial, and letting William run wild over the world of Root Beer. And Billy Joel is complicated. There’s a lot to see here. Enjoy!


Please explain why Billy Joel songs are featured in “The Boys.” –Cawfee

Favorite food on a stick? –Dave of Id

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9 Responses to Episode 503 : Buy More Soda

  1. Azuretalon says:

    I haven’t listened yet, and I don’t know how old the question is; but the Billy Joel thing was explained in universe as a link Hughie has to his mom.

    • Azuretalon says:

      I have finally started and I am going to be so disappointed if William’s favorite food on a stick isn’t Kool-Aid and Sugar.

      • Azuretalon says:

        Well, disappointed. But Corndogs are pretty good, but I always get mad when they are sweetened batter with honey.

        I own a fondue set. The solution to the oil thing is super thin meat. then it cooks basically instantly. Also, Hot Pot is my ideal version of the whole fondue-like world.

      • William says:

        So, did nobody else make “Fun Dip” (originally Lik-M-Aid) with sugar and Kool-Aid powder???

        Actually, that wouldn’t be so surprising, as I imagine most people, if they wanted Wonka Fun Dip in the 70s, they’d just, you know, go out and buy some. We just didn’t have sweet things around that much! If you wanted something sweet in my house, you often had to invade the sugar stash.

        And besides that… I don’t know if anyone else in my family did this. And nobody showed me how to do it, I just realized one day that Fun Dip was just Kool-Aid without the water.

    • William says:

      I just spotted an article that talks a bit about Joel songs in the show, and the songs that are mentioned in the article are actually his 80s stuff rather than his 70s stuff. I count Glass Houses as 70s material even though it was released in early 1980, so that’s why, in the podcast, I guessed that the show didn’t have any Joel stuff from Nylon Curtain and later. But the article makes it sound like the first Joel song prominently featured on the show was “Pressure”, which, of course, is a Nylon Curtain song. And I guess “Second Wind” is featured, which was a song originally released with Joel’s greatest hits collection in 1985. (By the way, I am using Wiki to double-check most of these facts… I might be a huge fan of Joel’s, but my memory isn’t that good!) The article also says that the script originally had the character Hughie written as a Led Zeppelin fan, but then, in production, they decided that Billy Joel fit better with the character, and then, apparently, Jack Quaid, who plays Hughie, ad libbed some stuff to further enhance Hughie’s connection with Joel. One well-known line from the character is, “Never besmirch Billy Joel.”

      I wonder what the time-frame of this TV show is. I mean, if Billy Joel exists in the universe of the show, and if it’s set in a parallel 21st century, then Hughie would have become a Joel fan in the 90s after Joel stopped making studio albums. Which isn’t impossible, since Joel did release a fairly successful greatest hits collection in 1997 that included his 80s and early 90s work… still, though, I think 90s kids who are Joel fans would be rare. But I suppose that’s why they tie his interest in Joel to his mother, who would likely have been a Gen Xer like myself…

  2. Cawfee says:

    I loved Dip Stix! 😀
    I’m rewatching the first season of The Boys this weekened…thank for the Billy Joel songs insights. Super helpful. 🙂

  3. jas says:

    No one mentioned my favorite food on a stick — ice cream bars!

    My favorite flavors are the Magnum vanilla ice cream covered in dark chocolate, and the Bluebunny toffee ice cream covered in milk chocolate with heath bar pieces.

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