Episode 337 : Merlin Predicted Brexit

We’ve got a nice grab bag tonight, folks! Some movies, a little video games, some soul searching, a little music, a little comics, a little linguistics, and more than one question! Enjoy!



Santana’s 2017 world tour is called ‘Transmogrify’ – was that name inspired by and/or sponsored by TMTH? –Beth

What are your main similarities and differences with the other enquiring servant of the hat? –Jas


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4 Responses to Episode 337 : Merlin Predicted Brexit

  1. Beth says:

    Tony – Iowa divorce law will take into account all the assets the two of you have accumulated since getting married, then divides them “equitably” (note, this is not the same as “equally”). I think you’ve said this on the podcast before, but I seem to recall that The Producer out-earns you. My guess (having seen two couples recently go through this), The Producer may keep her retirement account in tact, but you’d probably get the house. If she out-earns you by enough, you may be able to win alimony. Also, the cost of getting divorced will likely wipe out your current cash reserves. Bottom line: stay married, it’s way cheaper (but not if staying married is so miserable you may be tempted to murder your spouse, because you’ll probably get caught. As William said, there’s good statistical reasoning that the first suspect in homicides is the spouse.)

  2. Craig says:

    Tony – you wanted sci-fi book suggestions. I’ve not read it yet (it’s in my to read pile) but Binti by Nnedi Okorafor is meant to be really good.

  3. Mark says:

    Equestrian servants: Well, I guess you fellows do spend a lot of time on the podcast horsing around….

    Eclipse: Likewise, I did not go see it. I was busy with other things that day but I did end-up briefly chatting with a gentleman that remembered the last time (~30 years ago) the eclipse came through Cedar Rapids which was an interesting conversation.

    No Man’s Sky: I picked this up sometime ago on a Steam sale and have been pleased with it. I’ve not played it for a bit, but have been thinking of going back and restarting it with all the latest patches/changes.

    Uncharted: I’ve been interested in these games for a while but have never played them. How do they compare to the Just Cause series and/or Tomb Raider (specifically Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider)?

    Space Opera: While not female written, the Honor Harrington series by David Weber does have a female MC and I’ve found it to be an enjoyable read. In a similar vain, there’s the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. Personally I prefer the Honor Harrington series, but the Vorkosigan Saga is also quite good and is written by a woman.

    Beth’s not the only one making an effort to get through old episodes!

    Transmogrify: Huh, I always thought that was a word made up by Bill Watterson (Calvin & Hobbes) but I just googled it and Merriam & Webster is telling me the word has existed since 1656.

    Transmogrify: “to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect”
    Transform: “to change in composition or structure”
    Transfigure: “to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to : transform outwardly and usually for the better”

    • The newer Tomb Raider games are essentially identical to the Uncharted games, except the Uncharted games feature a male protagonist, of course. The Uncharted games are quite good, in my opinion. We’ve enjoyed them all.

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