Episode 97: Some talk about something

Heya hatlings!  Producer here.  Tony’s got a bad case of the man flu or some such, so I’m posting the episode on his behalf.  Unfortunately I can’t tell you what this episode is about or what questions are covered, but I’m sure it is of the same high quality that you’ve come to expect.

If I’ve mucked up something important, I’m sure Tony will fix it in the morning.  In the meantime, here’s your episode!



Thanks so much to the Producer for picking up what I dropped!

And thanks to Mark for giving us the question list:

Questions from this episode include:

Anon asks: “Do you foresee a time when currency is no longer requried, ala Star Trek?”

Kiya B asks: “Dear The Magical Talking Hat, is it better to be too warm or too cold?”

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17 Responses to Episode 97: Some talk about something

  1. Mark says:

    Questions from this episode include:

    Anon asks: “Do you foresee a time when currency is no longer requried, ala Star Trek?”

    Kia B asks: “Dear The Magical Talking Hat, is it better to be too warm or too cold?”

  2. Mark says:

    Grimm Fairy Tales: Ehhh, I tried that once and found the first several I read at the beginning of the book to be so offensive (racist/sexist/ageist) that I couldn’t bring myself to continue reading it.

    William’s Project(s): I’m down with helping out, just let me know when/where. Maybe you should try doing some preliminary work for this/these at the 100 episode taping?

    Hobbit: I enjoyed it, though it wasn’t nearly as good as LotR. And I’d totally agree that it’s packed with filler. I think the movie studio pumped it full of filler specifically to milk audiences out of more ticket sales. Some of the filler material came from the Similarin but as Tony mentioned, some did not.

    William: You’ve not read the Hobbit? Seriously? What’s wrong with you?

    Actor portraying Bilbo: I don’t know why Tony keeps saying this actor’s name is Tim Freeman but the correct name is Martin Freeman. Additionally while not all of his scenes worked, I don’t know that I’d blame the actor so much as the script.

    Scale of the Dwarves: This wasn’t done as well as it had been done in the LotR films. One of the things that contributed to this was they liked to shoot looking up at the dwarves (especially Thorin, leader of the dwarves). I think they did this to emphasive his role as the leader but it does screw with the sense of scale.

    Sushi: Yeah, it’s got to be fresh. If it was takeout or off a buffet; then it’s best avoided.

    Ep 100: Woot!

    Cat petting: It’s fine, we can wait. Petting is one of the reasons our feline overlords allow us to continue to exist.

    Currency: Um, no. That’s a ridiculous idea from Star Trek. I’m not the biggest Trekkie, but I think the idea was with replicators there wouldn’t be any need for currency. Side note: Whuffies for the win!

    Warm/Cold: Too cold, as it’s easier to warm up than it is to cool down; plus there’s the limit of what you can realistically do to cool down. And while I do find as I get a little bit older the cold hits me harder than it used it; it’s still easier for me to warm up than to cool off so colder wins.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      I keep saying “Tim Freeman,” because he was Tim in the Office… and I know I get it wrong, and it seems unlikely he’s the same name as his character from the Office, so I figure that must be it. Also, I know the other one is an “M” name, and I keep thinking it’s “Morgan Freeman,” which I know it’s not him. 🙂

      • Mark says:

        Ah, that makes sense. And I keep complaining about it because I’ve never watched either version of the Office and I actually can remember his name (a rarity for me) so it sticks in my craw when you get his name wrong.

  3. Bloodsparrow says:

    I know it’ll happen but I am chomping at the bit for scripts!

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      I was told that, in film, half a page is… one minute? I think.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      The Hobbit:
      There’s a lot of Dwarves falling crazy distances and landing on top of eachother… I could have done with… two less instances of that I think.

      Otherwise it was fun and the battle sequences were EPIC.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      Fallout: New Vegas

      Boone is swell, but he doesn’t say much. Other companions are much more verbose with the stuff you find and the stuff that happens.

      Roul the Goul is AWESOME. Played by Danny Trejo.

      If you’re just heading to Vegas now, you’re about to meet MY favorite companion.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      I think Orson Scott Card did the “planitary identity” type thing, where planets were colonized by a particular cultural group and that’s not saying that they had spread planet wide… but I don’t see that actually happening. When you have a reasonably large group of people there’s a 90% cance (in my opinion) that they’ll splinter. The larger the group gets, the more that number goes up.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      “And more importantly… We’re more important.”

      That needs to go on a T-shirt.

  4. Kiya Bee says:

    I’m with William about the Hobbit. I haven’t read the book either, nor The Lord of the Rings, but it felt like it was a long movie considering how short the book is. Mr. Bee and the smallest Bee loved it, though, and didn’t complain about time.

    I also agree with William about the seasons; my favorite is fall, followed by winter, with my least favorite being summer. I’ve recently lost a lot of weight, too, and found that this winter seems much colder, but it’s easy to just bundle up with an extra layer or two.

    Tony, I know you copy and pasted Mark’s response, but you didn’t correct the spelling of my name! :/

  5. SirGuido says:

    I like The Hobbit, but also felt that it was too long. A movie shortened by roughly 30 minutes would have felt like a better experience in my mind.

    My favorite season is fall, hands down. I would much rather it be cold than hot because I can always put on clothes/blankets/fires/whatever to warm up but can’t always cool off as easily.

    I would be HONORED to participate in anything William does.

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