Episode 649 : Mrs. William Goggins

YouTube here. Your patience shall be rewarded with Ezzie!

Y’all, William really likes Justified! So, yeah, that’s the first half of the podcast. Then it’s just a lot of movies. No email. It’s 100+ degrees today, give us a break! Enjoy!

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2 Responses to Episode 649 : Mrs. William Goggins

  1. jas says:

    Dogs/Cats variety of personality. I’ve had both dogs and cats and my impression is that dogs seem to have more variation of personality. However, I think it’s quite difficult to judge given that I’m not sure how much pet personalities are anthropomorphic interpretations.

    So, here’s one minor example contrasting the dog who lives upstairs from me and my dog. Both these dogs generally seem kind of timid but their timidity is not quite the same. Otis (the upstairs dog) reacts to almost everything on first impression by running away, or running upstairs if the door is open. He will do this, for instance, if playing frisbee in the yard, and a car pulls into the driveway. He also seems to forget that he’s familiar with someone or something and then runs away, or barks. This can result in some hilarity in which he runs down to be friendly, and then can’t remember whether he should be friendly and runs back upstairs, turns around runs back….

    My dog will get scared by something and its more like–I am overwhelmed by this; I am going someplace to be alone and recover.

    Dogs will not generally just eat until they die. I think it is more dependent on breed. The upstairs dog is often left with dry food out to eat whenever he wants. My dog will often not eat unless one of the family is in the same room with her.

    On the other hand, I’ve known dogs who will eat almost anything they can get ahold of, often to their detriment. A friend had a dog who bit through and ate parts of the cover of her glove compartment in order to get at a doughnut.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      We were just talking yesterday about how our cats personalities have changed over their lifetime. It’s all very complicated, and as you say, probably a lot of anthropomorphic projecting on our part.

      Didn’t know about the dogs not eating until they die thing. I’ll add it to the list of info I picked up randomly in my youth and should probably revisit now that I’m older, more skeptical, and have Google. 🙂

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