Episode 590 : Cratonic

YouTube link is here. New lighting!

This week, we saw some of the same movies! So that’s good. Also, we talk our favorite subject, portmanteaus! And we define gunpla and gundam, poorly. Enjoy!

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6 Responses to Episode 590 : Cratonic

  1. Azuretalon says:

    So… Horizon Forbbiden West. I’m enjoying it so far, I haven’t noticed a significant change in character for Aloy yet but I would imagine some of that fell into what option you chose for her dialogues. I tended to use Brain choices. But I haven’t gotten too deep into it yet because I haven’t used my PS4 as a video game system for so long that my controller was shot. I just replaced the battery pack, so I hope to get some more time on it this weekend.

    I too did plane and car models as a kid, but never really got super into it. Giant robot action figures are much more my speed. And I will argue that there is a whole host of creativity that you can bring to it. First off is how much work you put into sanding away the nubs, panel lining, paint washing detail, and shading.

    Then you have a whole world of customization options between deco options and using pieces from multiple kits, called Kitbashing. Modern models seem to make this easier but people have been doing it for as long as there have been models to get custom cars or stranger vehicles. And I have been playing with deco like crazy, chroming out one to be a Glitterboy variant, using a decal sheet on another to make an officer unit for the mook-type mechs, and using a purple color shift to make a stealth version.

    and of course, photography and posing of the models. These actually are as posable, or more so, than their action figure counterparts and tend to be cheaper when you compare like for like in size and complexity.

  2. jas says:

    How ’bout “plush” for Platonic crush.

    When I was a kid, I made up the nickname “Hallskins-McFallskins” for my brother.

    And in highschool I had a class-mate whose last name was “Repulski” so I made up a word that combined the idea of “repulse” and “people” that referred to the ginormous crowd of people in the hallways when the bell rang that made it impossible to make it to class on time. The crowd as entity was a “pepulskin” and individual units were “pepulski.”

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      OMG! It’s “plush”! Plush is brilliant! Well done!

      Yeah, apparently my sister used to call me “pardner,” when I was little, but I couldn’t say it. So it morphed into “Parducci,” which we later learned is the name of a wine label. 🙂

  3. jas says:

    Oh yeah, and I loved models as a kid, and I still like them. I did one of those u-gears wooden models of a ship recently.

    Models were one of those things that girls were not supposed to do when I was young, so I never got them as presents. I think I saved up to get them every once in a while. But I also did a lot of “craft” type things like making masks either out of the base of palm fronds, or by paper mache-ing paper bags. Or I used poptops from cans to make a “chain-mail” vest.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Well, let Azuretalon introduce you to the marvelous world of Gunpla! The Magical Talking Hat… bringing model-nerds together since 2022. 😉

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