Episode 527 : Stock Tips

YouTube link here. See the new color!

This week, we’ve still got some technical difficulties. Including a hilarious lag! But we make due. A bit of discussion about some video games and movies and TV and whatever… then time travel advice. Enjoy!


Were it possible to do once, what advice would you send back to 21 year old you? –Stu

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8 Responses to Episode 527 : Stock Tips

  1. jas says:

    I’m excited to see Shadow & Bone which debuts tomorrow on Netflix. I’ve read the Six of Crows duology which they’ve merged with the Shadow & Bone story, and I really love the characters from those stories. (If you watch, the Six of Crows characters are the ones who seem like they’d be part of a heist movie.)

  2. jas says:

    Hmmm, 21. As I start recalling everything that happened, it seems like it couldn’t have just been a single year. And most of it was pretty painful.

    I tried living in Boston with a friend. I had a horrible job as a messenger at a very ritzy law firm downtown. Had my first romantic relationship with a friend that I had known for three years, and got dumped for reasons that really had mostly to do with my friend thinking he had to fit more into some kind of “norm” that his parents had in mind. I wound up feeling so down that I moved back home to Florida, where I had a series of secretarial jobs and then a landscaping job. Another relationship which ended more because of things that were going on in the other person’s life with his parents.

    But I did save enough money to go to England for a couple of weeks to visit my cousin who was studying choreography in London, and that was very cool. And I did decide to go to graduate school–which led eventually to my career and meeting my husband, so I guess the main advice would be like one of those PSA’s–“it gets better!”

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Lucky you, all the mistakes were those around you. You just had to hold on and tough it out. 😉

      • jas says:

        Heh, well I wouldn’t say all the mistakes were made by those around me. I mean, you can kind of see what I call my “rescue-ranger” mode in action in that description.

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