Episode 490 : Kaftan Life

Here’s the YouTube version.

It’s an extra long episode this week. The reason is because Azuretalon actually had a really, really interesting question, and we spent a really long time discussing it from a variety of angles. But no one will believe that, so I’ll just say that it’s because of all the bikini waxing. Enjoy!

*indicates a question was abridged

*Hosting Cupcakes, Would it be realistic and appropriate to cast almost exclusively multiracial actors for properties set in the future? –Azuretalon

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3 Responses to Episode 490 : Kaftan Life

  1. jas says:

    I wonder why there’s so much bother about changing James Bond’s race, or Thor’s gender, but people are constantly playing around with that stuff in productions of Shakespeare with no controversy? In fact, it’s almost kind of expected. I saw a recent production of Midsummer Night’s Dream, and they did something really interesting by having the characters of Titania and Oberon switched such that Oberon was reading the lines and playing the actions of Titania in the original play, and Titania reading the lines and playing the actions of Oberon.

    In some way, you would think Shakespeare would be thought of as more sacrosanct or something but it’s the exact opposite. There are other classic works that people play around with too.

    I mean, I didn’t like when Roger Moore replaced Sean Connery, but I didn’t think it ruined my childhood.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Shakespeare plays/performances aren’t exactly pop culture these days.

      And at the risk of being prejudice against… shitty people?… I think the folks that worry about gender and/or racial changes in characters aren’t the sort to care about Shakespeare?

  2. Mark says:


    Ok, weird. My podcast app is setup not to delete older episodes of your podcast but I just finished 488 & 489 but now 490 is missing. I might need to submit a bug report to the developer.

    Tony’s recent discovery: Do we want to know how you found out about this? Or will we find that information as disturbing as the discovery itself?

    I can’t speak to kaftan’s, but last year (the year before?) I got a utilikilt and it’s so comfortable to wear when the weather’s hot.

    Tony, you shouldn’t think so small. Oh wait, never mind. William already gave you my idea for this.

    I’m getting closer to listening to our mass appearance in ep 500!

    I like to listen to every episode as I’m a terrible friend and listening to the podcast let’s me pretend I’m still active in other people’s lives. Also the advantage to listening to the podcast vs being on the show, I can pause/rewind to better hear what was said and better plan my responses.

    Gentleman Jack: More TV that I’m not familiar with.

    Killjoys: I watched most of the first season but then lost access to it.
    Warehouse 13, Lost Girl, Eureka, Sanctuary, Leverage: Seen them all and liked them all.

    Speaking of genre shows, did you watch Dark Matter? We had been watching it and got towards the end of season 3 but then we kind of lost interest.

    Umbrella Academy: We watched most of season 1 but then got distracted from it.

    Tony: How did you manage to skip over seeing Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure till now? Also, I’m happy to hear that you didn’t find it to be total garbage. I have fond memories of it, but can’t remember how long it’s been since I watched it.

    Whenever I hear about Michael Bolton, the first thing I think of is this.

    Huh, I never realized that William was that much older than me (I was born in ’75). As for Tony’s point about age differences squashing, I think the difference is people tend to compare ages in proportion to how old they are. So when you’re 5; a one year difference age is huge. Where as when you’re 45, a one year age difference is nothing.

    Lost Boys: Another movie from the past that I know I watched and I think I liked but my memory of it is hazy at best.

    One of the benefits of my current job is access to a private gym. It’s not fancy but has some weights and some cardio machines. Michelle & I had been going pretty regularly before COVID but then it was closed down and it has yet to reopen to spouses.

    Hosting Cupcakes: Well played Azuretalon, well played.

    As for the question about casting multiracial actors, I couldn’t say if it’s realistic or not, but I would say that it’s entirely appropriate.

    I don’t want the kids who enjoy the Star Wars prequels to die in a fire. I just want them to know they’re wrong, so very, very, very wrong. 😉

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