Episode 486 : 100 Percent Robert Stack’s Ghost

Head’s up, we didn’t get to any questions this week. What we DID do was figure out where William was hiding during the 90s. Also, the July 4th holiday, and Tony joins the sheeple in his love of Hamilton. Enjoy!

Here’s the YouTube link, if you’d like to see AND hear us.


None. Sorry. Next time, we’ll do some.

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15 Responses to Episode 486 : 100 Percent Robert Stack’s Ghost

  1. Craig says:

    Don’t know whether there has been an issue with the upload or something else but the audio version of the episode seems to be missing – nothing in my podcast feed and it’s not playable here on the website.

  2. Bloodsparrow says:

    I’m late, but I’m here.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      I was about to say I wish I had a farm to go down to.

      … and now I just have to frown disapprovingly at my phone.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      Nope… getting re-infected is DEFINITELY a thing.

      • Bloodsparrow says:

        I did get a nice view of various illegal fireworks from my balcony, it was nice.

      • William says:

        Sorry… I was just going off of a PBS Newshour report that I’d seen just before the podcast. And yesterday (7/22) it looks like the New York Times published an article citing research that suggests that reinfection is unlikely. Was Newshour right? Is the New York Times right? Heck if I know. But trusted news sources are putting this information out there, so…

        It’s very frustrating. Nobody seems to know what’s really going on.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      I don’t remember Unsolved Mysteries Having cryptid and UFO stuff…

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      DB Cooper IS a legit unsolved mystery!

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      Isn’t Oak Island that place where there’s supposed to be pirate treasure and people have spent multiple decades and millions of dollars trying to dig it up but the conditions are so terrible the holes they dig keeps flooding and filling back up with sand?

      • themagicaltalkinghat says:

        Oh yeah. William went down a rabbit hole on it, for a LONG time. Check the recent back catalog… he’s got MUCH to say on the topic. 🙂

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      Man… I wish I had missed Friends and Seinfeld…

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      It seems to me that William liked working at Sears better than he liked working at the funnel cake booth.

  3. Mark says:

    The question about Cedar Rapids in July, is are those noises fireworks or firearms? *sigh* And yeah, the last couple of years people have been real jackasses about setting off fireworks at all hours of the night. I don’t have any hope that this year will be any better.

    If the A&W symbol is William’s super hero logo; what sort of powers does he have? As nice as it is to be able to quench thirst and bring smiles to people’s faces; that doesn’t really scream super hero to me.

    No jokes about this being the 486 episode? I’m little disappointed.

    Family farms: It’s now kind of weird hearing about William going back to the family farm. My family has had a farm since before I was born but it’s been years since any of us lived on it. Though back when my Grandma lived on the farm; we’d generally visit her there every summer. Admittedly that was back in my high school days and the family finally sold off the farm at the end of last year. I guess it was kind of a nostalgia thing hearing William talking about visiting his family farm; now that I don’t have one? *shrug* Not sure.

    Netflix: Huh, I guess I know 2 families that still get discs from Netflix. Be proud William, you’re part of the reason Netflix still employs warehouse workers.

    Warrior Nun: Meh, the trailers for it looked good but the first episode wasn’t. As I recall, it was bad enough that I’ve not been tempted to try watching any more of it.

    I can recognize that Elmo is/was not in fact the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the world; but with God as my witness, I hated that little red bugger then and I hate them now.

    Video Games: Again, I’d recommend using cheats/mods whenever a game feels overwhelmingly difficult. Play the way that makes a game fun for you.

    Hamilton: I started to watch it but still haven’t finished it. I’ve listened to the music from it many, many times and love that. But when I’m watching it I have great difficultly in parsing what they’re saying/singing which makes it extremely difficult to enjoy and hence quite sad. 🙁

    This is the first time I’ve heard about Resting Death Face.

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