Episode 416 : Donkey Basketball

Tony goes into excruciating detail about his gaming convention last week. But don’t worry, there’s still time to talk about The Addams Family, and the importance of good “hand acting.” And then we learn a chilling secret about small town schools in the Midwest, and discuss friendship. Enjoy!


If you (Tony & William) ever fell out would you continue doing the podcast out of spite? –Craig

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5 Responses to Episode 416 : Donkey Basketball

  1. William says:

    Morticia: Gomez, do you know the penalty for bigamy?

    Gomez: Of course I do: Two wives.


  2. Craig says:

    Lady Blackbird is an amazing game. The mechanics for it were the original inspiration for elements of my own game (that I really must finish).

    Tony – Yes, WTF is the most appropriate response to donkey basketball, enough so that I had to look it up on youtube. It doesn’t even look like you have to ride the donkey, just hold the reins!

    • William says:

      As I understand the rules, you can get off the donkey to coax it to move, etc., but if you’re “in play” you must be riding it. That is, to shoot the ball, to move the ball about the court, to pass the ball, to receive a pass… for all of these, you must be mounted. But my recollection could be mistaken, or the rules might have changed…

  3. Beth says:

    I grew up in the Midwest – the suburbs of Chicago. I’m with Tony – if I had seen it on the Simpsons, I would have thought they made it up, not that it was a real thing.
    Before William said it, I too was mind-blown that the school would allow something as unclean as animals on the allegedly pristine basketball court.

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