Episode 400 : It’s Delicious

Welcome to the big Four Oh Oh! To celebrate, we reminisce a little, mostly about how little the show has changed. Also, we catch up on our missing two weeks, and discuss our views on the supernatural. And Tony sings like a Doobie Brother! Enjoy!


Where do Angels fear to tread?Β –Jas


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13 Responses to Episode 400 : It’s Delicious

  1. William says:

    Thinking of the question less as wise men/angels fear to tread there and more wise men/angels prudently avoid treading there… πŸ˜‰

    I’d say they sensibly avoid treading in places where they’ll likely get pulled into a project that’s destined to harm others or themselves. If there’s a good chance that choosing a particular path will result in harm, that’s the very path they’ll consistently turn away from.

    In contrast, a fool is likely to find such paths especially attractive, because such paths often come with certain basic enticements, such as fame or wealth or both. The part about their choice that’s foolish is that they see attractive things at the head of the trail but they pay no heed to where the trail ends up. The wise thing is to choose a path based strongly (though, perhaps, not exclusively) upon the desirability of its destination, not the enticements of its opening mile.

    Sorry… just felt like the question deserved a thoughtful answer. πŸ™‚

  2. jas says:

    Jas (from an undisclosed Angel-surveillance-proof location):

    I think I saw that James Acaster was on Netflix and I had seen him several years before at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and thought he was hilarious so I emailed both of you to recommend him.

    I was reading a detective story called “What Angels Fear” and that got me thinking about–if one imagines Angels, what would they fear? Which made me think of the line from Pope, and I thought–well that’s a good question, where would they fear to tread?

    I guess the only other way I might think about it is that given what happened to Lucifer, maybe Angels would fear the loss of God’s presence? Or that’s where they would fear to tread?

    “Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it.
    Think’st thou that I, who saw the face of God
    And tasted the eternal joys of heaven,
    Am not tormented with ten thousand hells
    In being deprived of everlasting bliss?”

  3. themagicaltalkinghat says:

    Found it!

  4. William says:

    Yeah… I linked it above… πŸ™„


  5. Alan K Meier says:

    Tony (& William) –

    Congrats on #400. That’s what we can “sticktoitiveness”.

    As I have always said, amusing yourself is an underrated skill!

    – Alan

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