Episode 396 : King of Kings Cake

This week, we discuss the human plague that is Nice Guys ™, we make fun of listeners who never did anything to deserve it, we relive some cherished family memories, and finish it all up by tempting divine wrath! Enjoy!


How early in the year should one start shopping for Christmas presents? –Beth


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8 Responses to Episode 396 : King of Kings Cake

  1. jas says:

    Started watching Norsemen after William’s mention of it.

    Here’s what I like about it: It does something that’s actually pretty true to the original way those Norse sagas were told–this really exaggerated understatement applied to horrific events, which is pretty funny in the sagas, but here it’s played up even more and then also the same tone is applied to sex and bathroom humor. So it all comes across like, “right, just another typical, disgusting, lewd and violent day in the life of your average viking.”

    Sometimes the jokes are telegraphed from a bit too far off though.

    I’ve caught up to the current season of “The Good Place” and I’d recommend it. I read a review that I thought captured what works about it. The reviewer talked about how sit-coms have traditionally been this (often unsuccessful) combo of morality play and humor–unsuccessful because the two are usually in conflict. “The Good Place” makes the morality play the source of humor, and I think that works.

    Also just watched the premier of “Charmed.” I could never get into the original, but I think this one is good.

    (Tony, yes, I did copy and paste some of this from email! But as I said there–I’m sick! I get to cut corners! And email!)

  2. jas says:

    Speaking of TV, really liking the new season of Dr. Who.

  3. jas says:

    And reading a new, very British, Urban Fantasy that I like called “Strange Practice.”

    Orphan Black is awesome. It gets better in subsequent seasons.

  4. Craig says:

    So I was both behind and then forgot to post a comment when I caught up – no, I didn’t get insulted as it was just too funny listening to Tony trying to dig himself out of the hole that he put himself in (William laughing away in the background didn’t help here). To answer your question – yes, the older man in the blue kilt is my father in law.

  5. Beth says:

    Tony, you’re right about some guys. I’ve dated some “nice guys” and while they ARE nice, they’re SO boring from a relationship standpoint. If they’re putting you on a pedestal, they’re not making decisions, or pushing back on your ideas (even if your ideas should be pushed back on). It’s boring to be in a relationship where you dictate everything and this puppy dog follows you around not making any of their own decisions or assertions. Each of those relationships lasted less than 2 weeks because I wanted to give them a chance, and they did seem nice, but I had to end it because couldn’t take it anymore. I need to be with someone who challenges me to make me the best version of myself.

    William – I love the idea of shopping before Thanksgiving. I agree, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, there’s so much else going on that I just want to enjoy, I don’t want to detract from that with the stress/effort of gift buying on top of everything else. My favorite parts about the lead up to Christmas is having secrets to then get to see the surprise/enjoyment on the recipient’s face when your surprise is revealed. For the past couple years, we’ve tried to do basically all our shopping online the weekend after Thanksgiving, but that didn’t work out this year because we didn’t have our Secret Santa gifting assignments for another 2 weeks, and didn’t have wish lists from many of our recipients. With a little one who will have some clue what Christmas is in 2019 and the next several years, I want to have the time and energy to enjoy the weeks leading up to Christmas even more. I’ll give your November 1 start date a try and see how that works out.

    The King of Kings cake is an awesome idea. Although it doesn’t seem like the bakery industry is interested in new ideas. I can’t understand why they don’t make a big deal out of Pi Day in an effort to sell more pies (and so many seem baffled by the idea of Pi Day when you go in to buy some). Possibly the venn diagram of people nerdy enough to consider Pi Day a holiday and people who work in bakeries/bakery advertising does not have much overlap.

    Tony – I’ll admit, on years we spend Christmas in Peoria, I’ve often wondered if we’ll run into you on Christmas Eve picking up the Happy Birthday Jesus cake from the bakery (full disclosure, I’ve never been to a bakery in the Peoria area on Christmas Eve or any other day, so the odds of this actually happening are approximately 0).

  6. Mark says:

    Niceguys: *shudder*

    Producer’s comments: I wasn’t quite able to make out what she was saying. *sigh*

    Midwesterners Driving in Snow: The first day? Really? I’ve found around here it seems to take the first month of snow before everybody gets their act together.

    Norsemen: I’ve watched a few episodes and really enjoyed them. I’d describe it as a mix of Vikings and The Office.

    Orphan Black vs. Supernatural: Agreed.

    Opening Xmas presents early: I never ran down and really opened them before everybody else, at least as far as I can recall. But I did sneak into my parents room while they were out to delicately open, gaze in wonder, and carefully redo the wrapping. 😀

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