Episode 333 : Cold Open

It’s the first of a two-part episode this week. So, of course, we mostly talk about movies. Lots and lots of movies. Enjoy!



If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?   –Cawfee

What is the most important life skill kids today should learn? –Stu


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4 Responses to Episode 333 : Cold Open

  1. jas says:

    I’d say the problem with a lot of these movies that Will was talking about is not so much trying to make them all action films (though I’m sure it has something to do with it), but more generally relying on action at the expense of all the things Will mentioned like character development and story, in all movies including action ones.

    It reminds me of the complaints I hear from students about fiction of all kind (books, TV, movies)–they want the “what happens next” at a very fast pace and are impatient with anything about meaning and character that interferes with that.

    At a much more general scale it has to do with your later conversation about critical thinking. Our entire culture is geared toward an addiction to “what happens next” (personally, I think, because Capitalism & Marketing are reliant on that mechanism), and doesn’t want to encourage the other side of the axis–the analytic, why is this happening, what does it mean–axis.

  2. jas says:

    Oh, yeah, and I enthusiastically second everything Tony said about “The Big Sick.”

  3. Mark says:

    You definitely had to be there.

    Wake up tomorrow with any trait or ability: I’ll choose trait of better being motivated to work on the various crafts that I enjoy.

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