Episode 315 : Dry Food Gives You Cancer

This week, we talk about dumb stuff. Or, more accurately, how stuff is dumb. Dumb movies, dumb games, dumb governmental procedures. There’s a lot of dumb out there, and it’s time we started talking about it! Enjoy!


What’s the last story you saw or read that affected you very strongly? –Jas

Let’s change something in the current Educational system! What is it and why change it? –Jas


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2 Responses to Episode 315 : Dry Food Gives You Cancer

  1. Beth says:

    I know I’m many many episodes behind.

    First, may I say, it’s far easier to work hard, have a good job, and make your own money than to work to be pretty enough to find and marry a rich husband. There are lots of pretty women in the world, not a whole lot of rich guys looking for wives. Simple supply and demand…

    Yes William, I like trivia too. I had a similar experience as you did; I was accused of treating at trivia in grade school because I was able to remember interesting things I had learned and read. No one was feeding me the game’s answers, and I couldn’t believe I knew nearly ALL of them and the rest of the class seemingly knew almost none of them.

    Tony, yes, I’ve played the state game, though it’s far more fun if you play it with celebrity names, or movie characters, or movies, or crayon colors, or just about any other category instead as you’re not simply limited to 50 options.
    People always go to “A” states because 21 states end in A. As you already said, only 4 states start with A, 3 of them end with A, one ends with S, game over in max of 4 moves. 22 states can only be included in the game if you begin with them because nothing links to their starting letter. 4 states end in E, no states start with E so game ends. Same problem for the two states that end in Y. 2 states end in D, only place to go is Delaware, which ends in E and forces the end. 2 states end in T, this forces Tennessee (end there), or Texas, which will end in no more than 6 moves after Texas.
    5 states end in S, this can go to either South Dakota or Carolina, both of which end in A and force the end in no more than 6 moves after the state that ends in S.

    The longest chain I came up with starts with Wisconsin or Michigan or Washington and continues with New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, New York, Kansas, South Carolina, Arizona, Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, South Dakota for a total of 12 states. The shortest I came up with is Maine.

    • Beth says:

      Also, I did not know but which I had learned the 50 states song. Instead, I pretty well know the Rockapella song “Capitol” and can list most state capitols from that song, and can work backwards to get to the list of states. I wonder if I’m too old to memorize the Ray Charles song?

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