Episode 314 : Stuck in the Hat-Zone

Tony’s on drugs! Exciting drugs! There’s a little politics in here, but not much. Otherwise, it’s mostly the usual. Oh, and Addie’s fine, don’t worry. Enjoy!


When was the last time you heard your own heartbeat? –Cawfee

What directors do you like or dislike? –Jas


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4 Responses to Episode 314 : Stuck in the Hat-Zone

  1. William says:

    John Glover was also a regular for several seasons in Smallville. Not sure why I didn’t point that out.

  2. William says:

    Also, I can’t ever recall feeling “friend-zoned” in my life, under any definition of the term that’s ever been explained to me.

  3. jas says:

    My son had asthma when he was young. Dealing with a small child on prednisone is an interesting experience.

    Clay origin vs. Zeus is WW’s Dad: Here’s why I don’t like that. The clay origin story is similar to lots of mythic origin stories, including the Greeks (Prometheus makes humans out of clay). In all those other origin stories, a male god makes humans without any input from a female divinity. So the original WW clay origin story, played on that but inverted it–challenging the “mankind” is created by the Father patriarchal story. Instead, we’re getting–Oh, No! Must have a father! So, it’s OK to have all those old myths that eliminate the mother, but, as soon as the father is erased–AHHHH! PANIC!! And then, on top of all that, Zack Snyder is so into villainizing anything that challenges the idea that women should bedefined by biology (300 and Man of Steel) that this makes me nervous.

    I watched a lot of TV while on my Spring Break. One show, Travellers, was OK sci-fi, but kept making small and completely fixable errors (mostly having to do with its time-travel aspect) which had me thinking–isn’t there someone whose job it is to watch this stuff and point out these glitches?

    I really actually liked Stranger Things. Also really liked the show “Terriers.” And saw the Kong movie–good fun, and fun in-joke allusions to movies and books.

    The term “Friend Zone”–there’s another term for someone who wants more from a friendship (a term which has it’s own problems)–“unrequited lover.” What’s the difference? Friend Zone denotes an area and puts the blame on the person who “places” the “helpless” other in this area. This seems to me to continue the tradition that women own a property (their sexuality) which they have complete control over, and that their failure to share this valuable property places the poor hapless male into a barren landscape without nurture or intimacy. “Unrequited lover” makes it more about the person who is rejected than about the person being rejected. My particular problem with “unrequited lover” is questioning whether one can actually have a romantic “lover” relationship that is not reciprocal.

    I think if I don’t notice the direction, then I’m fairly neutral about the director. It’s the ones I notice that I really like or dislike. Really can’t stand Snyder–in many ways because of the political choices I see behind his direction. I’m really liking Damien Chazelle (Whiplash & LaLaLand). And yeah, Wes Anderson. Older directors–Preston Sturges, Buster Keaton, Billy Wilder, John Ford, Kurosawa, Kazan.

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