Episode 230 : New Google Kapow!

Part 2 is here folks. We get a little serious, explaining why we aren’t recording next week (this week), but then we talk about housecleaning, and the importance of good romance. Or something like that. Enjoy!


What needs to have been done recently for a house to be considered “clean”? –Beth



This is what we watched between episodes.

EDITOR’S NOTE: William is back at home and doing totally fine. He’ll probably tell you about it next week.

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10 Responses to Episode 230 : New Google Kapow!

  1. jas says:

    Woot! Happy dance for William doing fine! 🙂

  2. jas says:

    Alternative title for the episode: “The Dirty Two-Thirty.”

  3. jas says:

    Tony, have you watched the “Danger Man/Secret Agent Man” series?

  4. jas says:

    Yes, I agree with Tony about those two words. Good to hear the longer explanation.

  5. Courtenay Pogue says:

    Hi Tony, I have not had a chance to listen in a while and can’t figure out how to get the link to work or where the link is located. I clicked on several things looked around but apparently your website is smarter than I am. Any suggestions for those who love to catch up?

  6. jas says:

    An ex-boyfriend of mine said that I was the only woman he knew who was more of a slob than a guy. So that either says something about my standards of house-keeping, that ex-boyfriend, or some combination of the two (and/or other things).

    I know that I have, in the past, routinely called upon the second law of thermodynamics as a justification for not cleaning toooooo much. Can’t overcome natural law people!

    I did go through a period of keeping a very clean house when my son was little and had asthma and allergies. It’s still probably better now than it used to be when I was younger. But I just give up on keeping the books where they should be and/or thoroughly dusted. I think by a rough count I probably have 1200-1500 that are not boxed up and in storage but out on shelves or piled up on the floor in places.

    I clean up when my Mom is coming to visit because my Mom will clean things she thinks are dirty and she’s 81 now so don’t want her doing overmuch.

  7. jas says:

    The whole romance genre is more about constructing gender roles than anything else IMO. Wait…I think there might be a podcast about that……


  8. Mark says:

    Man from Uncle: I have some vague memories of seeing reruns to the original TV show and I think the movie looks like it will be fun movie.

    Google+: Google’s obviously realized that forcing everybody to use G+ is a horrible idea; how long the service lasts without forcing people into it is anybody’s guess. Also Google’s been known to kill projects that are deeply loved by the community (Google Reader).

    Johnson County Fair: A bit more than just last week now.

    William/Surgery/Privacy: I wouldn’t take it badly had you not told me, as I apparently have similar enough cultural background to accept that it’s not the sort of thing you’d feel comfortable sharing.

    Angiogram, why start so low: I believe this gives them easy access to a large enough vein to do the job but doesn’t put the point of entry close to any major organs.

    Medications: Yup, I remember those days when I didn’t take a damn thing. These days I’m up to 3 meds a day.

    Clean house: Bathrooms (sinks, toilets), kitchen (sink, counter, appliances), all rooms (dusting, vacuuming), clutter picked u/put away.

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