Episode 226 : Diet Star Wars

We’ve got more things to talk about than we remembered! Exciting! And also Nazis. And the House on the Rock break-down. Just tons of stuff, people. Enjoy!


Do you have a list of all prior questions pulled from the hat? –Anonymous

How concerned should the average person be about identity theft? What should they do to prevent it? –Beth


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One Response to Episode 226 : Diet Star Wars

  1. Mark says:

    So we missed 15 minutes of Twiglet doing the his best Verizon guy impersonation?

    4th of July (aka Scare the All the Pets Day): Jumpin’ jimminey crickets! I know I’m behind but hearing a set date like that makes it seem like I’m even further behind than I thought I was. We generally say Happy 4th, but I have heard people say Happy Independence Day before as well.

    Ebert quote: I tried but was unable to look up this quote based on your few fumbling words describing it.

    Adventureland Jingle: Nope Tony, that’s just you.

    Bad Teacher to Bad Sheriff? Some how not surprising.

    I can picture William being a peace officer (no gun, teaching young kids about the law) but not a sheriff, beat cop, or detective.

    House on the Rock: Yup, lots of walking and lots of stuff to see but at some point one gets overloaded.

    World’s Largest Carousel: My wife loved that bit. It might be in American Gods; the House itself is definitely in there and Neil Gaiman did rent the entire house for a gathering of the nerdy/fabulous/famous people a year or two back.

    Infinity Room: Yup, I enjoyed looking down on the treetops from there. There is a slight sway to the room which can be disconcerting.

    Yeah gaming! 🙂

    Sycamore Mall/Iowa Marketplace: Weren’t they talking about putting a Makerspace in there? Did that ever happen? Free retro-arcade games? Sweet! Dark-chocolate covered pistachios? The more you talk about this place, the more I feel like making a trip down to Iowa City this weekend.

    New-Pi: Yes, there’s one up here in Cedar Rapids; but it’s in an odd location (off Center Point Rd).

    Iron Skies: *shudder* Lord that was awful. Three funny jokes, nope just two. The bit with every country in the world “secretly” building a weaponized spaceship wasn’t funny to me.

    Ghost Rider: There’s nothing wrong with this movie that wasn’t wrong with comic books it was based on.

    List of prior questions: I have a dream of one day getting all caught up and then going back to make such a list. As I’m currently run 5-10 episodes behind depending on life that will likely remain a dream.

    Identity Theft: Reasonably concerned, the better your credit score; the more concerned you should be.. Check your credit score annually, shred any credit card offers you receive and don’t want (or even better use one of the services out there to get your name on the blank lists), be careful when clicking links from emails, use good passwords, change them every so often, etc, etc… One good idea is to turn on two-factor authentication. Lifehacker has a good article on what this is and several places you use it, Here’s Everywhere You Should Enable Two-Factor Authentication Right Now.

    47 Ronin: Eh, I was in the mood for a bad movie with plenty of action; so I actually enjoyed this one.

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