Episode 171 : Mammoth Cheese!

William talks about the cartoons he’s watching, again. Tony did a lot of things this week, again. Also, we plan to start a new, unsuccessful business, without creepy dolls!  Then we get into some serious musical analysis, and then.. dairy? Enjoy!


Dear Hat Chaps, I recently started to learn the ukulele. What songs should I learn?           — Bloodsparrow

Dear Hatleks, What is your favorite dairy product and why? — Sir Guido


It was called TrappedNYC, apparently. Not Escape Room. Who knew?



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14 Responses to Episode 171 : Mammoth Cheese!

  1. jas says:

    You can SEE me?

  2. jas says:

    I saw the Eddie Izzard show here in May. It was great! There was a cool coincidence for me. I’m reading a lot of material on the history of the English language to take over a course from someone who’s retiring, and his very first bit touched on something that hadn’t really hit me until I was doing this research–that a lot of the Kings who we would think of speaking in upper-crust English accents in movies, would actually have been speaking French.

    Somewhere I read that he doesn’t cross-dress as much in his show as he used to ’cause he wants to appear as someone who could play masculine roles for any agents checking out his performances.

  3. jas says:

    Apropos of nothing, but I’m reading the latest Dresden book, and there are interactions between two of the main characters that are sometimes reminding me of the way you guys interact.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Which two? Based on my guesses, I call getting to be either Murphy or Arcleone! Basically, whoever isn’t Dresden, I wanna me that person…

      DISCLAIMER: I listen to audiobooks, so I don’t know how anyone’s name is spelled.

      • jas says:

        Yeah, I listen too. I think even when I read Dresden now I always here James Marsters anyway.

        Um…so you don’t want to be Dresden?

        Ah…’cause that’s who I had in mind for you in these conversations.

        Specifically these two conversations (with Will as Michael Carpenter).


        “Did you shout ‘Parkour’?” Michael asked. “Well, sure,” I said. “That was kinda Parkour-like.” Michael fought to keep a smile off his face. “Harry,” he said, “I’m almost certain one doesn’t shout ‘Parkour.’ I believe one is supposed to simply do Parkour.”

        (after Michael is injured)
        Michael: Only a flesh wound.
        Harry: Yeah. ‘Tis but a scratch. Come on, ya pansy.
        Michael: Pansy?
        Harry: Oh, you weren’t quoting the movie. Sorry.
        Michael: Movie?
        Harry: Holy Grail?
        Michael: Nicodemus still has it.
        Harry: Never mind.

        (Though, I realize Will does know the movie.)

        • themagicaltalkinghat says:

          La la la! I’m not listening! Or… I’m not reading!

          The part I’m on in the game hasn’t seen any sign of Michael or Will, so I refuse to read what you wrote.

          I’ve always said that Harry Dresden is my least favorite character in The Dresden Files. But I suppose I can see resemblances between myself and him. :/

          • jas says:

            Oh, sorry! Thought you had finished it.

            Why is Dresden your least favourite?

          • themagicaltalkinghat says:

            Dresden’s sexism really, really annoys me. His constant martyr complex does not help.

            I will give Dresden credit (well, Butcher, I suppose). Dresden is capable of growth. He’s much better than he was in the beginning. But he’s still sexist, and still has a pretty big martyr complex. So I still like him least. 🙂

          • jas says:

            Couldn’t reply to your reply below so doing it up here instead. Yeah, I get what you’re saying about Dresden. Though his sexism is pretty restricted to chivalry and it did seem to decrease over time. I don’t know if that was a change in Butcher’s outlook or whether he decided to have the character mature somewhat.

            Just to clarify though, I don’t see you as Dresden in a general sense, but just in those interactions in this book with Michael’s character.

  4. jas says:

    Heh, I wrote that before Tony mentioned that he had read it.

  5. jas says:

    Apparently punk ukulele is a big thing in Jakarta.

  6. jas says:

    Just saw “How to Train Your Dragon.” I was pretty disappointed in the overall message–compared with the first one especially.

  7. SirGuido says:

    My question came up as part of my constantly evolving effort to lose weight, become healthier, and think more about what I eat. I gave thought to cutting out dairy and realized I’d never be able to do so because I enjoy dairy too much, but there is no dairy product that really holds higher sway over me than any others.

  8. Mark says:

    IV Use: As what? Anesthesia?

    Orange is the New Black: Oh, I hadn’t realized that this was done by the Weeds people. That explains a few things. I’ve seen some of Weeds and liked it for a while but got fed up with it. OitNB Season 1 has bits of interest but I just can’t seem to summon enough interest to watch more than an episode every other month or so.

    Young Justice/Demographics: I think part of it was also that the show backers didn’t think girls would buy the toys which apparently is where the bread & butter lies with cartoons.

    Zombie Burger: I’ve been there! The food was AMAZING!

    How To Train Your Dragon 2: Yup, it was rather impressive and fun.

    Escape Room/TrappedNYC: Nope, never heard of this either, could be interesting.

    William Talking: If nobody wanted to hear you talk; you guys wouldn’t have as many listeners as you do.

    Ukulele: Can’t help you, I’ve got no musical talent.

    Mr. Roboto: Yes, that was Styx.

    The Dresden Files ReReads: Nope, that’s not by the official publisher site thing. It’s a series of articles on Tor.com.

    Favorite dairy product: Cheese. I particularly enough a nice, aged Welsh cheddar.

    Mammoth Cheese: I’m with Tony; I’ve always assumed the giants treat the mammoths like cows and milk them to make the cheese.

    Green Lantern: No, he doesn’t manipulate light making it solid; it’s pure energy manipulated by will.

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