Episode 145 : Your Pep Band is Racist

We’ve got a pre-holiday episode tonight, discussing the joy of giving, and wolf children. It’s timeless. Enjoy!


Have you listened to anything by the DoubleClicks?(if not you should, they’re awesome) –Craig

Dear Dissonant and Confused Forced Voices of the Magical Talking Hat, How old would you be if you did not know how old you are? — Azuretalon!!!


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2 Responses to Episode 145 : Your Pep Band is Racist

  1. The Producer says:


  2. Mark says:

    About: You do? Gosh, I suppose I should check it out.

    William/Diablo 3: Since you enjoy Diablo, have you tried Torchlight? Though having just written that it occurs to me you probably haven’t since it’s on the PC and you seem to have a strong preference for console games. Though I’ll note that there are options to play characters of color and the women’s outfits don’t seem to be any worse than the men’s.

    Briar Rose: Read through 2 was so much fun, how could anyone not love the tablesaws of justice? 😀 Also it was fun to record my parts for you, though considerably more challenging to do so without having other people there to play off of.

    Twitter/Song Lyrics: And if you do Tony, be prepared to be sued out of existence by the record labels.

    Your Pep Band is Racist: William, the conversation likely made you uncomfortable because reasonable people do not like to be considered racist.

    The DoubleClicks: They’re entertaining but more Nerd-Folk/Pop than Nerd-Core.

    How old would you be; if you did not how old you are?: Maybe he’s basically wondering how old you think/feel you are rather than how old you actually are? I don’t generally get how old I am wrong; as that’s not a data point I keep in my head. Each time I’m asked my age; I have to calculate it. Oh wait, apparently my definition of what the question meant would be silly.

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