Episode 140 : Retro is the New Neutral

William finally played Gone Home. That’s really the only thing you need to know about this episode. Enjoy!


Dear TMTH, What would you say is the greatest achievement of humanity so far?           — Craig 

Nerd Cons. Do you attend them? If so which ones? What do you like to do at them?          — Bloodsparrow


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6 Responses to Episode 140 : Retro is the New Neutral

  1. jas says:

    I’m loving Dracula. I haven’t seen last week’s yet.

    Apparently I don’t at all care if plots make sense ’cause when other people complain about silliness or inconsistencies I usually haven’t noticed and my reaction when it’s pointed out is *shrug.*

    I find Dracula more compelling than Sleepy Hollow, but I’m still watching Sleepy Hollow too.

  2. Azuretalon says:

    Deadpool is just an insane assassin type with a healing factor like Wolverine’s. He breaks the fourth wall a lot and knows that he is a comic character.

    My favorite JFK media thing is the “Red Dwarf” episode “Tikka To Ride” which blew my mind. I won’t spoil it, but go find it.

  3. Mark says:

    Laser Points & Planes: Sorry William, but you’re wrong on this one. Per the NYTimes, aiming a laser pointer at a plane is a federal offense and one guy over in Hollywood was actually sentenced to nearly 3 years in jail for doing it.

    Part of the reason you’re wrong is you’re only thinking of the basic, cheapo laser pointers that people buy to tease their cats with. You can also easily buy much more powerful laser pointers, which usually are a different color (blue/green) which have ranges into thousands of feet. ThinkGeek sells a Class IIIa Green Laser Pointer with a range of 9,000 feet!

    Sleeping poorly: I feel your pain, I’ve been having my worst stretch of insomnia ever with many nights of not being able to fall asleep before 0200, given that I get up at 0630 that’s a lousy time to be falling asleep.

    Gone Home: Sure it was worth Tony’s $20, but would it be worth William’s?

    Dracula: Nope not watching not even sure what channel it’s on but really I’ve got no interest in another vampire show.

    Almost Human: I missed the premier so I’m curious if you’ve been watching and if so, what you think.

    Producer’s Shit Playin’: I couldn’t hear it, what was it?

    JFK: What Tony said.

    Cabbage Patch Kids: William, you’ve got one? Still?

    Build-A-Human: That’s what Dr. Frankenstein did.

    Greatest Achievement of Humanity to date: Not blowing the shit out of ourselves during the Cold War?

    Harrison Ford/Producer laugh: ^_^

    Agent Coulson on the Nerdist: Yup already heard it; it was awesome.

    AzureTalon: Within the margin of error? Nice.

    Nerdcons: Yes, I’ve been to several mostly local, smaller cons and I’m part of the local organization that helps put the cons on. This is both good (better access to the GoHs) and bad (kind of working during the con). Depending on the con, just walking around/looking at stuff might be all you do. It’s frequently just hanging out with like minded folk for a weekend.

    ICON: Actually it’s been back in Cedar Rapids for the past couple of years.

    William: you might be interested in Paradise ICON which is a writers’ workshop that takes place during ICON.

    Chain smoking wookie?

  4. Beth says:

    I really enjoyed watching all the JFK specials. Husband did not, so on Tuesday, I told him to make other plans for Friday, 11/22, so I could watch whatever hype/conspiracy/etc was on that night.

    I am a big fan of American Girl. I think the lure, for me, of a doll that looks just like me is that it means *I* am part of history. (yes, I do know that the historical dolls are fictitious, and not based on real people) That she looks like you is appealing because it’s much more personalized than just any doll you could buy. That said, there are “My Twin” dolls there are a different brand and they’ll make the hair styled like your hair, and put freckles and moles in the same places you have them. Totally one of a kind, but maybe a tad (or a lot) creepy.

    I listened to this episode about a week ago, so I don’t remember what else was talked about. I’m behind on my TMTH. :-/

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