Episode 103 : Wedding Crashers

We’ve got a lot to catch up on this week, folks. William discusses his new script, and we reach out to the listener community for support. Then, it’s on to weddings, as we have our very own Bridal Hatstravaganza of all things wedding-ish. Enjoy!



Dear The Magical Talking and its listeners, What do you remember most about weddings you have attended? Why? — Beth



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34 Responses to Episode 103 : Wedding Crashers

  1. Bloodsparrow says:

    I just want to be friends.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      I’ll totally take that snowball. You know I’ll make more then 5 comments.

      • Mark says:

        I’m trying to come up with 5 comments for this episode in hopes that being closer means the reduced shipping cost will convince Tony to send me that snowball (especially since you already seem to have access to one). :p

        Comment #4.

    • William says:

      I knew it.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      I just haven’t had time to listen to the podcast while sitting at a computer in a while.

      Also, I got an Ergotron (juststand.org) at my desk at work. So I stand at my desk now in the office and my monitors are mounted at standing eye level for me. So anybody walking by can see what’s on my screen and there’s nothing here that looks like the logo for the Magical Talking Hat Podcast.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      I critisize your criticisms Tony!

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      Yay, getting things under your thumb!

      Going down one size, for a woman, is roughly 10 pounds of fat. Actually weighing yourself is a not so great way to track your progress. Your weight can move up and down 5 pounds just within a day. It’s okay to keep an eye on it, but go more by your ability to do things you couldn’t do before and clothing size.

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      The most memerable thing about some of the weddings I’ve been to have involved getting proposed to myself, which is never fun actually.

      So, try to cut down on that.

      • Bloodsparrow says:

        Talking about where Mark’s wedding was:
        This must be how other people feel when Nerdist or Happy Jack’s talk about traffic patterns and freeways in LA…

      • Bloodsparrow says:

        I liked my Sister’s wedding. The actual cerimony was just a few of us (family only) at the Court House in San Fransisco and then a bunch of people were invited to the reception. It was delightful.

        My best friend, Bree, had a good cerimony and her Dad also had a good wedding… Both of those were Jewish cerimonies. And the receptions were also fun.

  2. Dave of Id says:

    Please don’t take this the wrong way, but was your intention to make the creepiest intro ever for a podcast?

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Sir Guido’s intro? Or our beginning to the podcast itself?

      • Mark says:

        Kind of both. SG’s intro gives off this creepy clown vibe, but the way you guys were talking at the beginning of this episode, if taken out of context could be even creepier.

        Comment #3.

  3. SirGuido says:

    I haven’t gotten yon email of scriptage Mr. Tony. sirguido at gmail dot com I will begin reading as soon as you send it sir!

    • SirGuido says:

      I mess with audio SOMETIMES, and can offer up a tiny bit of editing ability, but I don’t know if you want what I can offer in that regard.

      • SirGuido says:

        I was EXHAUSTED on my wedding night and tried to talk my wife into just going to bed, but she would have none of it. She needed a piece of her man. 😉

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Sorry… fixed that. It’s sent now. From a hotmail address, though, so make sure your spam filter doesn’t eat it. 🙂

  4. Kiya Bee says:

    I love attending weddings, and usually find the reception to be the most memorable. Mr. Bee and I have been married nearly 14 years now, and we still hear from family and friends about how great our wedding was. Considering we were only 21/22 when we planned the wedding, we must have pulled it off pretty well. We got married outdoors at a winery in the country, and The Thing That Went Wrong for us was a car accident on the main highway to the location, making the photographer and my grandparents on my dad’s side late, so they weren’t in any pictures, save for a few random reception shots (the photographer arrived barely in time to do photos before the ceremony, my grandparents right as the ceremony started).

    Tony is right about the length of the ceremony; it should be fairly short. We once sat through a Catholic wedding in Spanish on a hot summer day in an un-air conditioned church; the ceremony was over an hour long. That was by far my least favorite wedding. The picture list is also a great idea, but because our photographer was late, there were shots that we didn’t get. I’d like to add that keeping some sort of scrapbook, perhaps using the book that you use to plan the wedding, is a fun thing to look back on after some time has passed.

  5. Beth says:

    Yes, dear listeners, it’s true, I am engaged! I almost emailed the Hat with the announcement so you could all know what had happened in my week.

    I sent in the question months ago, and I was just thinking about what parts of weddings do people even remember/care about. It was intended to give me some perspective as we move forward with wedding planning. I was pretty excited when I saw there were a whopping 26 comments before I even listened to the podcast. As it turns out, most of them weren’t actually about memorable parts of weddings.

    Thanks for your input Kiya Bee, a scrapbook of wedding details does sound fun. I was excited to look through my parent’s odds and ends a few weeks ago (including a reciept to their reception!).

    I will keep everyone’s “keep it short” comments in mind as we plan the ceremony. Our indoor venue is climate controlled and can appreciate that most people can’t wait to get on to the party part. I do want substance in the ceremony though – it’s really the reason we’re all there!

    Thank you all for confirming that you don’t really remember the food, or the centerpieces, or the cake, but more the overall mood and if it was a good time.

  6. Mark says:

    Audio: Your voices continue to sound better, but the hissing seems more prevalent this episode (maybe because I’m listening at home rather than at work).

    Late comments: Sorry, I generally listen while I’m at the office and work’s been too busy to allow me to listen & comment. So I’m running a couple of weeks behind; hopefully things will improve soon.

    The Magical Talking Hat, the only podcast personally supervised by Ezzie, pride of the Denver Airport Gift Shop.

    William’s radio play: The only microphone I’ve got is a crappy one that came with an old desktop computer I bought years ago. Perhaps that snowball mic that The Magical Talking Hat has could be loaned out for people to record with? Also, have you considered sharing the script with people using Google Docs rather than sending out a PDF? Side note: I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before, but if you’re looking for sound effects, check your local library they should have CDs full of them.

    Tony’s Diabetes: Yoo!
    Tony’s Weight: Yoo?

    The Loneliest Planet: Sounds very meh to me.

    Tony’s Work: Eee. Then again maybe you’ll be able to transition from your current position to be your old boss?

    Weddings I’ve attended: The vast majority are too bloody long! Congrats to Beth on her engagement. The most dramatic thing that I’ve seen at a wedding was at the reception for my wife’s sister. During the reception, one of the tables holding the food collapsed. *CRASH, BANG* It was quite the noisy mess.

    Tony’s wedding was pretty good, having it at the park was lovely and the weather was good for it.

    My Wedding: At my wedding the thing that went wrong was the photography was both late and not very good. *shrug* Ah well, at least he was cheap. As for whether or not Tony was there…. I had so much going on that day that I can’t remember if he was or not. I too remember him being at the House of Lords, while I drank significant amounts of alcohol. Some tasty (lots of fruitiness and/or ice cream), some vile (Jägermeister). The wedding and reception were both held at St. Andrews Presbyterian in Iowa City and because it was all at the church, there was no booze allowed. Though William was correct, I wore a kilt and we had a bag piper. True story: I found out about 3 weeks before my wedding that you can rent kilts online and if I’d know that sooner, all my groomsmen would have worn them.

    Wedding Tips:
    1. A short ceremony is best and perhaps early in the day, so your guest don’t have to use their entire day on your wedding but can have their afternoon for themselves.
    2. Wedding photos: Spend the money for a good photographer and work with them to be sure you get good photos.
    3. If you’re going to walk around during your reception, then designate somebody to guard your food. Similar to Tony’s wedding, during ours my wife & I walked around talking to people and our food kept getting cleared away, so we basically missed lunch that day. Later we drove off to our honeymoon, but I think it left us a bit run down and was in general a bad idea.

    I’m happy to hear my questions are horrible! :p

    Comment #1.

    • The Producer says:

      Apparently I should have listened to this episode. Yes, we were at your wedding. Or at least at the reception. I don’t remember the ceremony. I remember your kilt and seeing Francisco with the boys because they were so much bigger than I remembered them being.

  7. Mark says:

    One more thought about wedding photos! I’m a bit of a photography buff; while I don’t generally do portraits, I was asked to take photos at a friend’s wedding. Something you can do to help make sure you get good photos is to designate somebody in the wedding party to work with the wedding photographer. Ideally this person should know all the people you want photographed, this is especially important if you want the photographer to take photos during the reception.

    Comment #5, woot! Can I get that snowball mic now? 😀

  8. jas says:

    After not having gone to a wedding in a long time I went to two last year and saw some cool pictures from one a friend went to. What I liked best about them–combining elements of Halloween and Birthday Parties. The former artistic director of my Japanese drumming group (who is half-Scots, half-Japanese) built structures in his parent’s backyard that were sort of temporary–but not exactly like tents. They were platforms with half/full wall separations with paper and fabric walls. Some of areas had comfy chairs; there was a couch, one housed the bar. You entered the yard through something that looked a bit like a shinto gate. He wore a kilt and his wife wore a white dress with a wide obi. They made up goodie bags for the guests–the best thing included were fake mustaches. So there was one point where all the wedding guests were mustachioed.

    Another one I went to last year had a dress-up photo booth–combos of theatre costumes and kids costumes.

    And the one I saw pictures from was a wedding where most of the attendees do a lot of cosplay and larping. Everyone wore something that looked either renaissance or steampunk. The bride’s party were all in blue and silver and the groom’s in red and gold–was very pretty.

    So dressing up, comfiness, mustaches–these I would say are the key ingredients 🙂

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