Episode 46 : The B Sides

We’ve got a lot to say, tonight.  Very little of it pertaining to the Hat, I’m afraid.  But still… a lot to say.

Tonight’s episode is brought to you by the letter B.  B for Bloodsparrow and Beth.



Here is an original film, upon which has been wrought a sequel.

And here is a bunch of remakes, which have been thrust upon an original.


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5 Responses to Episode 46 : The B Sides

  1. Bloodsparrow says:

    It’s a +1 on Google+.

  2. themagicaltalkinghat says:


  3. Mark says:

    My wife and I also watched the original GwaDT via Netflix streaming; and like the Producer, we didn’t know anything about it before hand except that it was a popular book. Heck somehow/somewhere, I’d gotten it into my head that it was more a techno-crime-thriller; then when we hit the scene *shudder*, we were just gobsmacked. We did get past the scene and did somewhat enjoy the rest of the movie — mostly because the actors gave such powerful performances. When I’d originally added the film to our streaming queue, I also added the sequels. And while those sequels might also contain equally powerful performances, we just haven’t been able to bring ourselves to watch them (and I’m not sure we ever will).

    Dexter, Season 1 was outstandingly good. Season 2 was ok to meh. I’ve heard it picks back up in quality, but I lost enough interest that I’ve not made any effort to go and watch more. Similarly, Mad Men and Weeds both had strong first seasons but had trouble keeping my interest past that. I’ve also heard that Breaking Bad is good; and have even started watching the first episode a couple of times. But I always get distracted away from it within 5 minutes, so I just don’t know if it’s right for me.

    To me cilantro tastes like a vaguely spicy parsley. Though if I really concentrate on eating a piece of it; I can almost kind of taste soapiness to it.

    William: Then effect of your pet peeve is all your base are belong to affect?

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