Episode 268 : Trouble in Thunderdome

Two parts tonight! Second half next week. Tonight, we’ve got more than you wanted to know about movies you never wanted to know, Vikings without boobs, video games, and Tony gets more pedantic than usual. Enjoy!


What is worse: experiencing failure or never taking on the challenge? –Cawfee



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4 Responses to Episode 268 : Trouble in Thunderdome

  1. Stuart says:

    I assumed you were doing the John Oliver thing and pointed to a hashtag floating in front of you on the screen. I’ve even started talking like him when I start getting a bit ranty about stuff. Oops.

    Anyway, I doff my cap to the discussion on trying versus regret, and the nuance to the question that I completely missed. Completely agree with Tony’s assessment of not knowing what failure will look like causing one to freak out a bit. Had something like that at work recently. The second time I do it, it’ll be vastly easier because, frankly, failure (in this case) was almost inconsequential.

  2. jas says:

    Discussion of failure/challenge had me thinking about moral particularism. Like–is it good to be helpful? Well it depends; not if you are helping someone break into someone’s car.

    Vikings: Has anyone either watched or read “The Last Kingdom”? Much better than Vikings IMO and much more grounded in history.

  3. Beth says:

    Cawfee, Thanks for asking this question. TMTH, thanks for picking it this week. I’ve been asking myself this question a lot in the past week. I think for any particular lofty goal, it is better to try – this allows you to demonstrate if you can or cannot do something, rather than to not try at all. Tony, even with your John Q. Public example, I don’t think that getting turned down from a publisher means you can’t be an author. When you’ve been turned down from ALL publishers, maybe. Even then, it sounds like you could self-publish. This may not mean you can make a living from being an author, but that’s not what John outlined his goal to be. For me, my goal had been to earn a doctorate. Last week, I had my proposal defense and did not pass, which meant I can not proceed in this program. At the moment, this feels like failure, but all doors to all doctorates have not been closed. Now I need to take some time to decide how strong my desire is to achieve the original goal. Do I want to expend the time and effort to begin another program? Is spending more time and money on this goal really what I want right now? Is there a way to put this goal on the shelf for a while and decide to come back to it later (maybe 1, 2, or 10 years further into my career, maybe a good project for early retirement, or maybe decide my passion isn’t behind this goal, and I’d like to make a new goal for myself.

  4. Mark says:

    Enormous? Psah. I’ve met you both and neither of you qualify for that adjective.

    Childhood’s End: I saw the first episode of that and it was interesting, not sure if it was any good.

    Thunderdome: I’m not a fan of the DLC that lets you build something like this. It seems too cruel for my tastes.

    I love the idea of Keanu voicing Keanu in Keanu but a little sad it’s only a dream sequence.

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