Episode 679 : Real Heroes Cook

YouTube link here. Kitties are nearby, even if not on screen.

We celebrate our thirteenth anniversary, offscreen. Then the usual, movies TV videogames. And finally, we take a deep dive into how much poop we would eat, if it was tasty. Sort of. Enjoy!

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2 Responses to Episode 679 : Real Heroes Cook

  1. Stuart says:

    I was really enjoying Outer Worlds, even though I was terrible at the combat, until fairly early on I got completely stuck/lost in a building (think it was a power station). Just hopelessly cannot figure out where to go, or even how to get out. Hit a wall hard with that and didn’t go back, but I think I should find a video to walk me through that and take another stab.

    Yeah the whole food replicator thing came about because I just wrapped up a Star Trek TNG rewatch, and there are definitely episodes where the distinction between replicated food and real/handmade food is mentioned. Explicitly when Picard goes home to France and his brother refuses to have a replicator, and kinda alluded to as Troi laments the recipe for chocolate something or other, which has been adjusted not to be as super unhealthy as it ought to be. I think it was both of those things that made be consider the question. Oh, and Mr Scott hating the synth-ahol drinks.

    I didn’t realize it was canon (in ST, at least) that it came from poop but that makes total sense. You’re reconstructing stuff at the molecular level so I suppose the source doesn’t matter. That said, there’s a lot of this in sci fi. Rey puts something in an “oven” in The Force Awakens and it seems to reconstitute it somehow, for example. If this even becomes a thing, I can see it replacing processed food for busy people on the go. I know that we, with one actual and one nearly teenage kiddos, sometimes there’s just no time to do anything other than slap a tray of chicken nuggets in the oven. But, as I learn to bake (new hobby!) I’m starting to appreciate the ceremony of cooking. I even enjoy the simple cutting things up. I suppose that’s why I also like tea, versus having a machine make coffee.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      I got quite a ways in Outer Worlds, but then kind of stopped. It was getting very samey and a bit dull for me, and while the story is not bad, it’s not anything exciting, per se. Also, I seem to play a new game every other day, so hardly surprising.

      I’ve said that this is the year I start baking. I have yet to start. 🙂

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