Episode 677 : One-Handed Air Quotes

YouTube link here. Lots of kitty activity!

Tony’s back in HD this week! You’re welcome. Also, we cover movies, old and new, a bit of videogames, and then… well… something… from Azuretalon. Enjoy!

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7 Responses to Episode 677 : One-Handed Air Quotes

  1. Azuretalon says:

    I know I struggle making myself understood in writing. So yes, I am taking advantage of the hat’s curse on you to have you pre read my emails. Hence “pre-hosts.”

    Happy Jacks asks about times you’ve messed up and been a bad GM. This was one of those. The crisis was the PCs having a truck full of TNT. My mistake was placing it there as window dressing.

    No, the explosion wasn’t enough to destroy the moon or do significant damage. It was just done for kicks. CBL and Veremond were just annoyed the rest of the team wasted it on something stupid instead of saving it to use on something worthwhile.

    And Scion is a ridiculous system and the thrower in fact had the strength and throw powers to hurl something that heavy, that far.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Ah. Okay, based on this new information, here is my take.

      If CBL and Veremond were annoyed in character… cool. That’s roleplaying. Their characters might want to take it up with the other characters.

      If CBL and Veremond were annoyed out of character… assuming this wasn’t a crazy not-normal-for-the-other-characters action, they probably should just get over it. The number of times other player’s characters have done things I didn’t like out of character are… too many to count. 🙂

      If it WAS a big break from the normal actions of those characters again, and just for a literal joke… maybe an out of character conversation is in order.

      But as far as your GMing, it doesn’t seem too bad. You accidentally gave it to them, but they got rid of it pretty quick, with apparently no real consequences. 🙂

      I, for one, am happy to be your testing ground for emails. But I WILL mock you mercilessly, of course. It’s part of the deal. 😉


    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Yeah, so The Holdovers is totally up for a bunch of Oscars including Best Picture. It still FELT to me like a movie not trying for awards. 🙂

  2. Stuart says:

    Not finished with this episode, but while I’m at the computer here*, I just wanted to say you’ve both reminded me I own RDR2 and that I haven’t played it yet! And it sounds awesome, from the little tidbits you’ve mentioned. I did that thing where I buy an RPG type game I know I’m going to spend a million hours on while it’s on sale for peanuts, and then wait for an appropriate time. Except I forgot I had it and so bought AC Valhalla complete edition for my customary** Ubisoft buy-in price of $20 and am a million hours into that. Suspect the new AC is a ways from hitting the magic price point and so RDR2 is on the menu next!

    *anyone else (starting to?) loath typing on their phones?
    **so as to both give money to folks just making ends meet but also give as little as possible to Ubisoft

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Now that I’m deep in the wilds of Gamepass, I haven’t played RDR2 for a while, and may not finish it. But I still HIGHLY recommend it! Not like any game I’ve ever played.

      I gave up on Assassin’s Creed back in the DLC of Odyssey. Ironically, now with the Xbox, I’ve got access to Valhalla for free… but I don’t think I’ll probably play it, still.

      • Stuart says:

        Yeah, I almost didn’t do Valhalla. One, it’s set in rainy Englandshire, which is about as dull a setting as I could possibly imagine. Plus, “biggest AC ever!” and I’m like… nrgh, I loved Odyssey but I can’t put that many hours into one again. But here I am, having even done the DLC as I went, blowing right past my Odyssey hours and I’m not even done. It was hard to avoid the Norse backdrop, and it was kinda cool bumping into my daughter’s name sake. And of course, I bought it right before it appeared on Game Pass, doh. I’ll learn that lesson for Mirage.

        Excited to get into RDR2. The previous game was a technical marvel on the Xbox 360, if nothing else Rockstar know how to push hardware.

        • themagicaltalkinghat says:

          These games can suck you in hard. And sometimes not for the reasons you think.

          I’ve been trying very hard of late to really think about why I play video games, what I like and don’t like, and what I get out of them. And, like with books and movies and TV shows, to stop them when I don’t enjoy it anymore.

          Of course, now I worry I’m stopping too quickly in some cases, at the first sign of difficulty or shift in tone.

          It’s an ongoing process, never to be resolved, I’m sure. 🙂

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