Episode 571 : What Does the Sandwich Say?

YouTube link here. Watch Tony lose his mind!

This week, we talk a bit about bad TV, and a decent movie, and also good TV, and a video game that’s also good. And bad car companies. You get it. Then Beth teaches us that William can’t cook, and Azuretalon breaks Tony’s brain. Enjoy!

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11 Responses to Episode 571 : What Does the Sandwich Say?

  1. Azuretalon says:

    Lexus can eat a big wet bag of tapeworms

    I read the short story of “Nightflyers”

    I’m starting to think Conan O’Brian wasn’t really there…

    I’m about half a natural cook, but I do read half a dozen recipes before going crazy with it free style

    And I was at a school, working on the copier. I have a friend in pre-k that scruffy did explain it to me, when you make a “th” sound you “sandwich” your tongue between your teeth

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Of course! Like when you make the “Ssss” sound, your tongue slithers along! Or when you make the “Zzzz” sound, your tongue joins a hive society that makes honey.

      • jas says:

        This is all reminding me of the Just So Story, “How the Alphabet was Made” which is one of my favorite kid’s stories.

        • themagicaltalkinghat says:

          I don’t know that one.

          • jas says:

            There are two stories about the main characters in that one. The first one is “How the First Letter was Written.” This is the beginning of that one: “Once upon a most early time was a Neolithic man. He was not a Jute or an Angle, or even a Dravidian, which he might well have been, Best Beloved, but never mind why. He was a Primitive, and he lived cavily in a Cave, and he wore very few clothes, and he couldn’t read and he couldn’t write and he didn’t want to, and except when he was hungry he was quite happy. His name was Tegumai Bopsulai, and that means, ‘Man-who-does-not-put-his-foot- forward-in-a-hurry’; but we, O Best Beloved, will call him Tegumai, for short. ” In that one, the little girl of the family attempts to write a letter with pictograms and there’s a kind of disastrous miscommunication. In the second one, she and her father make up the alphabet by making shapes that remind them of the sounds.

  2. jas says:

    I really got into meal-planning during Covid because we were getting our food from a couple pick-up sources and didn’t want to run into a grocery store to have to pick things up in a spur-of-the-moment kind of way.

    And I enjoy it a lot. Everyone in my family is very into cooking, and I like to look up recipes and try out new things. Also meal-planning is helpful ’cause on different nights, different people in the house are the cooks.

    Recently, and this may be taking planning too far (as can be my wont), I started printing up a three week calendar where I list what got cooked on a particular day, and how much we’ve got left in leftovers. This is ’cause we kept having to throw out leftovers when they got forgotten about.

    • jas says:

      Since William makes dinner of whatever is available, he would make a good contestant on “Chopped.” I always think of that show when I’m throwing something together based on what’s in the house.

      • themagicaltalkinghat says:

        Holy crap! This is happening!

        From now on, I will leave a hamper on the doorstep of William and Abby each week, and William must make the entire week’s food out of whatever is in there.

        This will be my life, now.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Yeah, I think it gets exponentially more complicated for each person added to the “meal group.” So it’s really easy for me… but would be even easier if I was just cooking for myself, of course.

  3. Beth says:

    I listened to this episode weeks ago and am still flattered that Tony said he really liked my question.

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