Episode 468 : Meanwhile, in the Legion of Hat…

This is a nice long, winding podcast, touching on a lot of subjects. Bad cartoons, video games, weird movies, other kinds of weird movies, whatever William talks about. And face care. Enjoy!


In episode ~461, Tony mentions that the Producer scrubs clean rather than use bodywash/soap. What is her morning/evening face care strategy? –Beth

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7 Responses to Episode 468 : Meanwhile, in the Legion of Hat…

  1. William says:

    OK, first I have to say… I had never heard of any of this before. To my knowledge, I was just making up the connection between JFK and the decline of fedoras in the US. So I find this very interesting, indeed! 🙂

    Second, tongue-in-cheek as my comments on the subject in the past have been, my claim has never been that the inauguration in particular ignited the issue. I couldn’t even have told you if he’d worn a hat at any time during his inauguration festivities, nor would I have thought it mattered if he had. My claim has been that very few can recall him ever wearing a hat in public *in general*, which I still think is largely true, this Snopes article notwithstanding. Also, it wasn’t just that he seemed to never wear a hat when other men around him did, it was that he was a very popular president, especially with young men. Meaning, his fashion choices were more likely to have an impact compared to past or even future presidents.

    Which is to say… I don’t think this article actually addresses whether or not JFK’s aversion to hats negatively impacted the men’s hat business in the US. It only addresses the claim that his inauguration was the trigger. Thus, my half-facetious assertions will persist! 😀

  2. Beth says:

    Pretty sure JFK wore a top hat to his inauguration. But agree that he’s generally hat-less. While that *may* have triggered Americans to wear hats less often, I suspect if there was an uptick in skin cancer, it has a stronger tie to advancements in cancer detection/awareness than to the lack of hats in particular.

    William, I do tend to first picture FDR driving a car with his pierce-nez glasses, cigarette holder, and fedora. Eisenhower, I first picture wearing a Hawaiian shirt at a Weber grill, hat-less.
    Tony, while I can picture Lincoln with a top hat, it’s not what I picture first, probably because he’s not wearing a hat on the penny or the $5 (though FDR is not wearing a hat on the dime either. Maybe I have a much weaker association to who is on the dime than who is on the penny?)

    Yes, I often ask questions that I’m curious if other people wonder about. I think it’s fun to get other perspectives.

  3. Beth says:

    I like the Ike/Interstate Highway theory of hat abandonment. It seems reasonable. The drawings in the article are a fun bonus.

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