Episode 456 : Yes You, Susan!

Are you interested in fake treasure hunting? Not as much as William! Are you angry at Conan Exiles, while still playing it? Not as much as Tony! We probably talk about other stuff, I can’t remember. Enjoy!


How commonplace would self driving cars need to be before you would use them? –Craig

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8 Responses to Episode 456 : Yes You, Susan!

  1. Beth says:

    I noticed that a few radio stations this year started Christmas music on November 1, which I found far too early. I do like to listen from Thanksgiving, through my holiday travels, so I prefer when they stay on until New Year’s, and am somewhat disappointed when it abruptly ends at 11:59pm on Christmas Day.

    Tony – I heard a song on one of the caroling stations that includes the lyrics “Happy Birthday Jesus” (which made me think of you) and something sad along the lines of “you’re the only one who doesn’t get presents”

  2. Craig says:

    Just a note but the volume of the intro clip was really high compared to the actual episode.

    I think I’ll probably be the same as Tony when it comes to self driving cars – I’ll use them once they’re commonplace enough to have clearly proved that they are safe. I am worried about the in-between period, what to do during an emergency situation is going to be horrible to resolve and I’m worried it will result in even more deaths than it already has.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Well, shoot. That means the two after this will probably also be bad like that.

      Let us know if that holds true. We can mess with the next one after that.

  3. Stuart says:

    I’d like to tell you something interesting about the Kindle e-book readers, recently discovered (as of the time of this comment) – when you highlight words, add comments, lookup definitions, etc., Amazon creates a timestamped log of that in your profile. I have no idea what that is for, but it’s interesting nonetheless. I would have guessed that none of that existed, except for comments which would have been saved with the file on your Kindle. Or perhaps it does both?

    Anyway, you can request this data from your Amazon account, somewhere.

    I definitely get evenings when I’d really rather have e-books, rather than physical books. However, I get everything from B&N, specifically our local store, because I might actually vomit if that ever went under. I suppose I could get their Nook e-reader, but I haven’t really looked into how flexible it is in terms of compatibility. Plus I guess some books I like to have on the shelf, which makes them easier to end.

    I’ve no idea whether or not this makes me a bad environmentalist. My gut feeling is that this is the sort of zero-sum fretting the actual big polluters want us to stress over, making me think climate change is purely on my shoulders.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      I believe Amazon records that, in part, to show how many people highlighted that particular section. I often see the more quotable pieces of my novels marked with “1036 others highlighted this.”

      Yes, climate change is definitely your fault, Stu. Sorry to break it to you like this…

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