Episode 438 : Chancellor of the Exchecker

Ah, the lovely singular episode! Back to the format. We talk a fair bit about videogames, and a lot about why (and whether) people hate William. It’s pretty rad. Enjoy!


After 435(!) episodes, it occurs I should like to meet William. How does one go about this?–Stu

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5 Responses to Episode 438 : Chancellor of the Exchecker

  1. Azuretalon says:

    I found cancer was a good way to meet William but I don’t recommend it. He’s pretty cool and all but I’m not sure it’s worth it.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Ok, I’m ashamed to say I laughed really loud at this. Well done.

      • Azuretalon says:

        And I just want to point out, after having now listened, that this was NOT William criticism at all. Just saying he’s not really a strong Make-A-Wish pick. The times that Tony is frustrated with William doesn’t frustrate me, but amuse me greatly.

  2. Stuart says:

    Man, this question turned into a way deeper debate than I anticipate, which Tony reasonably pointed out to me was essentially the whole point of the show.

    I didn’t really consider the why, I just instinctively thought it would be nice to meet William, given I’ve heard the pair of you talk on so many different subjects. Really hadn’t considered the “podcast William” versus “William unabridged” either, but honestly, I’ve met so many people I’ve first encountered on the internet (going back 20 years, easily) that this is just entirely standard fare for me 🙂

    IHOP sounds good, I’ll eat anywhere with a burger on the menu. Mr Tony, make it so!

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