Episode 402 : You’re Not Special

Part 2 of 2. Our eighth annual Thanksgiving episode! Gather the family around to listen. All the traditional discussions of gratitude, life’s blessings, Iron Chef, and corpses. Ah, the holidays! Enjoy!



Hosts of the magical talking hat podcast, No, how’s your week REALLY been?                     –Azuretalon



Here’s the video we watched between episodes.


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3 Responses to Episode 402 : You’re Not Special

  1. jas says:

    It was great (and appropriate to the day) to hear and be included in the gratitudes. A feeling I reciprocate. 🙂

    But also (and speaking as someone familiar with this ploy), beating oneself up for being depressed even though one has much (and more than many) is just the tricksiness of depression talking. Even though something bad happening can sometimes trigger depression, it doesn’t necessarily. And lots of times, one can be depressed even though one has friends and doesn’t suffer materially. And then I do think that remembering all that one is grateful for can help one to get through a depressive period.

  2. Beth says:

    William – I believe you’re right, a woman named Sarah (Hale?) petitioned for a national day of thanksgiving for several years, she wrote to a bunch of presidents (starting with Jackson??) and finally Lincoln agreed. It was during the Civil War and was intended to be a warm fuzzy thing amid the war. I think on that first Thanksgiving, he came out to visit troops stationed near my house, so that’s kind of neat. (I’ll have to check the children’s book I read about it this fall or another reputable source to be sure. I think according to the children’s book, Sarah also did petitioned and made progress on several other causes, including school for all children, equal access to school for girls, recess at school.) She also was the author of Mary had a Little Lamb, mother of 5, and editor of Godey’s Lady’s Book for 40 years (her editorship is why she had enough influence to successfully lobby for Thanksgiving).

    Tony – I believe you’re right, FDR set the current date of the 4th Thursday in November in an effort to increase the length of the shopping season and hopefully get people to spend more money during the great depression.

    I’m surprised you guys didn’t discuss this, so I assume you didn’t know – you can have diamonds made out of people’s cremated remains (actually out of their hair, too, if you want one of someone who is still alive). “yes, this ring was Grandma…”

    I learned at a family reunion this year that I’m related to convicted Salem witch, Deliverance Dane. She was spared death because she was pregnant.

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