Episode 375 : Stu is Racist

Fun episode tonight. And Stu’s not really racist. We just call him racist. A lot. Cuz it’s fun. Anyway, we talk about some movies, and video games, and news, and… you know how it works. Enjoy!



Where do you get your news? –Stu



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4 Responses to Episode 375 : Stu is Racist

  1. Stuart says:

    I felt so pleased as I texted Tony a picture of me holding the Black Panther blu ray I bought, but (apparently) I’m still racist as over a week has flashed by and I haven’t watched it 🙁

    The perfect parental allegory (the bit about live whizzing by, not the bit about being racist).

  2. Mark says:

    Mormons: Not entirely sure what all that conversation was about; as both William and the Producer were hard for me to hear (mostly the Producer, but William faded out a bit to during this part of the show).

    Sound quality: Since you’ve switched to the new machine, the podcast has sounded cleaner. Though William tends to be harder to hear than you. I also respond to your feedback requests, when I hear them but I have a terrible tendency to fall behind in listening.

    Wow, I never expected William to play the Hitler card.

    William’s Jaw & Kerchief: Does that mean to speak he raises & lowers the kerchief by hand in order to speak?

    Coco: We actually just watched this over the weekend via Netflix. It was fine, but I didn’t love it. Unlike say Up, I never got that invested in the movie;. So when they did something to tug on my emotions in Coco; I was much more likely to react by thinking or I see what you did there that was kind of clever; whereas in Up, I’d be bawling my eyes out or actually laughing out loud. I’m also curious as to what the twist was that Tony didn’t see coming as I didn’t feel like there were any surprising twists.

    Book of Life was definitely the better movie.

    “Dream given form of a neutral territory in space”: Was that a Babylon 5 reference?

    Briar Rose: It was a real hoot recording that!

    And Tony, the correct quote was “Who know what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!”

    I blame the dieing of the American news program on Sinclair’s near complete domination of TV market. For US & World news, I watch Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and random clips of the Daily Show to give me an idea of what the hot topics of the day are. I also listen to a lot of NPR podcasts for more details. When I actually want to read more details, I’ll try New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, CNN, Christian Science Monitor, and Al Jazeera. But if I’m honest, I only do that very rarely as I find it too depressing.

    • William says:

      Yes, I should have mentioned that I do listen to NPR or watch PBS NewsHour on occasion. They, too, have their problems, but those problems are minor and easily manageable, more in line with the foreign news sources I use.

      I do read quite a few newspapers online, too, including US papers like the Times and the Post, and online magazines, like US News and World Report and Time.

      And I get quite a bit of news from those advocacy groups I’ve talked about, but I often have to double-check that for accuracy.

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