Episode 373 : Not Jungian Enough

I’ll be honest, this episode is mostly about Infinity War. With a little foreword from William about Batman. Enjoy!



Tony, Did you Remember to eat pork sausage on Ground Hog day? William, Sorry I don’t have a meat free option for this pun. –Azuretalon


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9 Responses to Episode 373 : Not Jungian Enough

  1. cawfee says:

    Cane sugar has a higher status than beet sugar, most likely because cane sugar is not derived from something that was dug out of the soil. This is probably why cane sugar is perceived as not “dirty” as is perceived about sugar beet sugar. It’s stupid, yes, because both sugars are essentially the same chemically.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Oh yeah! I didn’t think of that. That makes sense. I mean in a “people are dumb” sort of way. 🙂

    • Azuretalon says:

      I was wondering if cane sugar was the same chemically, or if it had traces of other sugars or chemicals. Doesn’t shock me at all though that it’s purely a marketing thing.

  2. Mark says:

    Did you change something about your recording setup? This episode sounds much cleaner than normal.

    Cane vs Beet Sugar: Either is tasty than corn syrup when used in other foods/products. From some quick googling, it appears cane & beet sugars will react differently in the kitchen.

    Pool? I don’t recall you having a pool that would be a god send with our current heat wave.

    Infinity War Recap: If the recap wasn’t done by this guy, then you were ripped off (just like the rest of us).

    Infinity War: I liked it fine but it’s not a great movie. Also, I kept hearing about audiences gasping at all the characters who died but either the crowd in my theater knows how to gasp quietly or they felt like I did. Which is to say, none of them bought into all those character deaths and when you don’t buy the deaths, they lose all impact.

    Thanos’s reason in the comics: I’m not sure the comics really had a better justification.

    Capt. America in a beard: Most men look better in beards.

    Women only fighting women: Huh, I didn’t notice that. Thanks for ruining it ya bastard.

    Funny Ad: It sounded amusing but I watch so little broadcast TV that I’ve not seen this.

  3. themagicaltalkinghat says:

    You didn’t know we had a pool? You and Michelle swam in it! We made a whirlpool, until you cut your back on the ladder… you’re one of probably less than a dozen people who have swam in it since we bought the house!

    I turned my sound down a bit. And the new laptop of course.

  4. Beth says:

    Captain America Civil War made no sense to me and I couldn’t wait for it to end. In some strange twist of fate, I saw it in theatres twice, and it was equally awful both times.

    I didn’t know there was a Synchronicity 1 or 2 from The Police but as soon as you talked about it I thought about Scrantonicity 1 and 2, so I’m glad you talked about it.

    I didn’t think the space commercial was cool about the car, it just seemed the guy is SO helpless that he can’t get into his car and has to contact his wife at work, when she’s clearly busy to bail him out. I didn’t even realize it was a commercial for the car.

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