Episode 264 : Tuna Fisherman Ozone

We all knew this day was coming. William saw Batman Punches Superman: Dawn of Jumpsuits, or whatever it was called. And we’re gonna talk about it tonight. Also, Tony tries, for his own sake, to make William never hope again. And hear the exciting origin stories of screen names! Enjoy!


What was your very first on line username/handle and why? –Anonymous

Oscars time — any predictions? –Anonymous


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4 Responses to Episode 264 : Tuna Fisherman Ozone

  1. jas says:

    Weird coincidence that when Will and I met on the Lost Theories board, my user name was jazprof. That might have been one of the factors in us starting to get to know each other. I think it had people on the board thinking that we already did.

    I highly recommend Spotlight. It is a great journalism movie. As someone from the area who was also following that coverage, it was exciting to see a fictionalized version–especially having seen a lot of interviews with a couple of the journalists. They do really get a feel for what Boston is like as a city. And Michael Keaton has the most believable Boston accent that I’ve heard in a movie.

    When Will said Kimmy Schmidt was coming, I heard “Jimmy Smits” and was thinking–what happened, did he start a stand-up act, or is he in a local play or something? 🙂

  2. neuroduck says:

    Time to ditch these lame Batman and Superman movies and start reading the new Black Panther? Here’s an interesting interview with the author.

  3. Mark says:

    I chuckled at that.

    Batman vs. Superman: Sorry but yawn, didn’t care then and don’t care now.

    Fallout4: I didn’t care for the second DLC, still haven’t gotten around to playing the Far Harbor DLC yet, and see that the fourth DLC adds even more building options. I got distracted playing the Witcher 3 for quite a while.

    KOTOR: Did you either of you ever play the SWTOR MMORPG?

    Tomb Raider (2013) was such an amazing game that my wife started (and kept) watching me play it. Usually she can’t stomach more than a few minutes of watching before she gets motion sick and has to stop.

    Nice JoCo tribute, Tony!

    My first on-line handle is the one I still use, Manzabar. There’s nothing interesting about how I picked this and like Tony goes back to RPGs. In high school, my friends and I played ridiculous amounts of AD&D 2nd Edition. We also made absurd numbers of characters and at one point I knew the game well enough that I could throw together a character of any race/class combination within minutes… and then would spend hours coming up with a name. For whatever reason, I’ve always had enormous trouble coming up with character names. Then one time I created a wizard character, was thinking of names, Manzabar immediately popped into my head, and I’ve used the name ever since.

    Highlander: Which one Movie (1,2,3?) or TV?

    Living in Iowa: I’ve had thoughts over the years of living elsewhere, but I moved so much as a kid that I really and truly hate it. So for me it’s really nice to live in one spot for a good number of years and grow roots into the community.

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