Episode 263 : ROBOTS!!!!

We’ve got superheroes! We’ve got Afflecks! We’ve got Star Wars! And we’ve got politics! All the big hotspots out there, we’re talking about them this week. Enjoy!


Now that its coming to a close what do you make of Obama’s presidency?                           –Anonymous  

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12 Responses to Episode 263 : ROBOTS!!!!

  1. William says:

    Where I was going with my comments at the end there was…

    From my perspective, Trump isn’t actually any worse than the other Republican candidates. He’s definitely not worse that Cruz, in my view. If Republican caucus-and-primary-goers weren’t smoking crack, they’d know that Rubio was the most electable of the bunch, and they wouldn’t have let Cruz OR Trump spoil it. I don’t know why the Republican caucus-and-primary-goers can’t get their acts together. McCain? Romney? And now Trump or Cruz? I just don’t get it. It’s like they don’t even want to win.

    I don’t think Trump’s chances of winning the presidency are very good, except that so many people might vote for him because they don’t want to vote for Hillary. Which is stupid. I really don’t get why people feel like they have to vote Democrat or Republican or nothing at all. I sometimes think that if people who didn’t want to vote for the two major parties actually gave it some thought and voted for someone they actually agreed with, a third-party candidate could actually win by a significant margin. But, as it is, we could conceivably get Trump as President because people feel like he’s the lesser evil of only two choices, which is patently false on so many levels.

    Yeah, I just… really don’t understand American voters at all.

    • Stuart says:

      I’ve said it before, and perhaps it’s called out below in other comments, but the 2 party system is utterly entrenched here, even more so than back in the UK. Why on earth do I need to declare a party on my driver’s license? Why should I care if the local sheriff has the (D) or (R) prefix by his name? That SCOTUS justices have a declared party just blows my mind, as a foreigner.

      It’s also not helped by the popular vote/delegates thing, but if we had another voting mechanism here (e.g., AV), it might encourage people to vote beyond the party lines. I guess the sheer cost involved doesn’t help, either. If you’re not backed by the parties and PACs, you’re likely SoL.

      I don’t understand* the political system nor the views of the local populace.

      *I do, I just don’t understand why we perpetuate** it.
      ** I do

  2. jas says:

    I continue to be afraid of a Trump presidency, but I’ll spell out what that means because of the things I’m afraid would happen there are varying degrees of likelihood.

    The two main things I’m afraid of, and which I think have the strongest likelihood are:

    1. His effect not on policy, but on the general tenor of life in the U.S.–sort of the effect of the bully pulpit, but in a wholly negative way. Already, many feel emboldened by him to bully, harass and assault others. Yes, we already live in a bullying culture, but he is making it far worse. And on this count, I actually do see him as worse than Cruz. I used to think Cruz would be the worse option because he is an ideologue. But the effect Trump has on his supporters has changed my mind. Cruz just doesn’t have the charismatic leader thing going on that Trump has. And I think that makes Trump more dangerous.

    2. As was mentioned–foreign policy. When George W. Bush was elected, I didn’t like it but I didn’t find him scary. But I didn’t realize what a terrorist act on U.S. soil would empower him to do. Trump already has that power because people are in a panic about terrorism and it’s only going to get worse because ISIS feeds off guys like Trump and he feeds off them. It’s an escalating feedback loop. And then of course, we have one hot-headed, lying megalomaniac in the Kremlin, another in Pyongyang, and then if we add one in Washington? That to me is apocalyptic level anxiety right there.

    Of less concern to me is the possibility that the U.S. descends into fascism. It does seem to me that we have systemic safeguards, and I have been heartened by the reaction of military leaders to Trump. However, I don’t think this is something to dismiss as impossible either.

    • William says:

      Those are certainly good points. But assuming he can get the nomination and then the presidency (still two significant hurdles at this point), he’d have to go on to negatively inspire a significant number of Americans, far more than the 12 – 15% of Americans he currently has worshiping him. I realize the election itself and anti-liberal fervor among conservatives would probably give him a bump there, but since Trump isn’t actually a conservative himself and likely won’t govern like one, I’m not sure how long any but his “15% faithful” will stay with him.

      Your second point concerns me the most. There’s much damage Trump can do there, even if he only gets one term, especially since the rhetoric he’s spouting isn’t new; you’re hearing it all over the world right now, particularly in response to the refugee crisis in Europe and the Paris and Brussels attacks. We don’t need an American president fanning flames that are already getting frighteningly hot. But, on that score, I’m not sure Clinton would be a whole lot better. Which is to say, yes, I’m very concerned about Trump on this issue, but only slightly more than I’m concerned about Clinton.

      • jas says:

        First, I think the 12-15% of Americans is already enough. And second, I don’t think it even has to be people directly inspired or worshipful of him. I’m reading all kinds of things about the level of bullying going up in schools. Just in my town recently, kids from the local high school were heckled at a sports meet with anti-semitic insults from the other team. And I’m sure you’ve heard about the incidents at Andrean high school in Indiana and the similar incident at the high school in Iowa. Here’s a brief description from CNN for anyone who hasn’t read about it: “During the course of that game, a group of Andrean students produced signs and images of presidential candidate Donald Trump and began to chant ‘Build that wall,’ at the Bishop Noll team and fans, who are heavily Hispanic,” the Catholic Dioceses of Gary, which oversees both schools, said in a statement”….(and from an eyewitness) “The signs, she said were coupled with chants like “Build a wall,” “No comprende” and “Speak English.”
        “It was disturbing,” said Howard. “I was shocked. After a while not seeing the administration come over and say that was enough, I was disgusted. I coach volleyball at another high school. I was more disappointed in the adults.”

        On the second point–yes Hillary Clinton is pretty hawkish when it comes to foreign policy. She doesn’t speak in the same–Clash of civilizations language, or War on Christianity language which stokes both sides though. And she can be pushed to some extent (I believe) by people on her left.

        • jas says:

          Just a clarifying point–I know people who can’t stand Trump, and still I’ve noticed that their anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-African-American, sexist biases are, at the very least, way more out in the open now than in the past.

        • jas says:

          Oh, and I had forgotten one other point–whoever the next President is will be making 1-3 Supreme Court nominations. I’d much rather have Clinton doing that than any Republican.

  3. jas says:

    There is, on the other hand, a goooooood Batman movie to look forward to!

  4. Stuart says:

    Oi, encourage Star Wars.

    Yeah, I’ve taken days off work for game launches. Haven’t done it for a while though, isn’t as compatible with being a dad 😉 The last one might have been day 1 of The Burning Crusade for WoW, just to get our new guild up and running in the game. Seriously considering it for No Man’s Sky, though. If you haven’t seen it running, go watch some videos, then buy a PS4, then pre-order the game. Stop reading this and go do it.

    I’ll be honest, DC has never really done it for me, although obviously loved the old Superman films, and I actually really liked the “realistic” Christian Bale Batman. It’s also unfortunate that it’s not the same universe for the DC stuff. Marvel have set that expectation now, and while that does limit us in some ways, it’s more enjoyable overall.

    Russian begging dogs… mind_blown.gif

    At the risk of getting political here, and annoying readers, it’s not Trump I would be worried about. Ted Cruz is backed by a significantly more conservative ideology. He;s way to the right of his GOP peers. I’m genuinely concerned about the affect he could have (more than he has already, as the chair of the senate subcommittee on space and science) on rational science.

    Hilliary is a hawk. We’ll likely get more of the same from Obama, but with a greater propensity for the use of drones, which inexcusably manages to stay out of the public eye. I assume we, the people, are more comfortable with bombing other people when our armed forces aren’t in immediate danger as a result. Oh good, even as I write this comment and listen, Tony talks about drones.

    I liked the differentiation between progressive and Democrat, and also noting that Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. Lots of example parties aligning with this flavour of politics, e.g. Plaid Cymru from my home country of Wales. It’s largely difficult to vote for it in mainstream US politics, however.

    And now to read all the other comments.

  5. Mark says:

    Playing in Public (Edge of the Empire): I know I’m wicked behind on listening to TMTH but I’ve been having a blast playing in Edge of Empire and am most disappointed that we don’t finish the game this month!

    Community Service: So watching Community wasn’t service enough?

    Exoskeleton servants: I’m really wondering what color(s) your exoskeletons are.

    FO4 Automatron: I liked the idea of this DLC better than I liked the actuality. I also wished the story part of it was longer. Out of curiosity, did either of you play this while wearing the Silver Shroud outfit? If so, you might want to try it again sometime in that outfit for the unique dialogue options.

    The Good Dinosaur: The most underwhelming film ever released under the Pixar banner. It felt like one of the flops Disney released back before they bought Pixar (but with better animation).

    Making superhero movies that aren’t fun: William, just ask DC, they seem to have figured it out.

    Green Lantern (Animated Series): That was a lot of fun.

    DC TV Shows (non-animated): Meh.

    Blue Lanterns: Nah, they’re more like World of Warcraft Shamans as they just buff the party and can’t do shit by themselves.

    Paycheck: Not great, but a fun flick.

    Dumping all the cards out? I would have thought the magic would hold all the cards inside the hat until its their time.

    Obama’s presidency: Disappointed is a fair summation of how I feel. There are things that he did that felt like a complete 180 compared to what he promised (primarily on transparency ).

    Trump presidency: How can you not be scared of what he’d do?

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