Episode 260 : Neverending Shotgun

We got Batman tonight, people. And Fallout, of course. And a little politics, sorry. Also a little porn, you’re welcome. Enjoy!


(Honestly, I threw away the notecards before I copied them into this blog entry. Sorry. There were two of them. Both were technically anonymous. If you listen to the episode, you’ll hear them.)

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8 Responses to Episode 260 : Neverending Shotgun

  1. William says:

    In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man is the first (and anchor) in 2008, so not quite a decade. There are, to date, 12 films in official MCU continuity.

    To date, DC just has Man of Steel in 2013, but 11 more films are slated through 2020, featuring Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, and “Shazam” (DC’s Captain Marvel).

  2. William says:

    Many sources say that Lucy Davis is playing Etta Candy.

  3. jas says:

    I didn’t quite follow the conversation about stories that make one feel sad. It came out of talking about things like “The Walking Dead” and then Will had the follow up question about why people would watch stuff like that, and whether it was cynicism.

    I guess to me “stories that make one feel sad”=tragedies. And I’d probably suggest some reasons those stories exist. “The Walking Dead” isn’t really a tragedy though. I suppose it is mostly classified as horror, but it doesn’t seem like it fits completely. It’s actually got a bit of something like “Lost” in it–the “group of people trying to live with constant existential threat.” I’m not a regular watcher, but I’ve seen enough episodes to say that one thing I find interesting about “The Walking Dead” is that the writers seem to use character development to make an interesting point about what makes us lose our humanity. The characters at first have lots of different conflicting traits, but perhaps one slightly predominates, and then over time, as they rely on that more and more for survival, they’re becoming defined by that one thing. And then the struggle for the character is against that growing dominance within themselves–to keep themselves from becoming monsters.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      See, now I’m really wondering about what’s going on in my head. I get what you’re saying about The Walking Dead… and on paper, that should appeal to me. I like that sort of story… struggling with your own humanity, and potentially the loss of same.

      Maybe… maybe I only like that story with a limited subject? Like, *a* person struggling with that. But when everyone in a story is slowly sinking to the depths of animalistic survival, or even to ‘evil,’ if bothers me, and I don’t like watching it.

      Hmmm… if I wasn’t sick, I might be able to make more sense of this…

      • jas says:

        Yeah, I get why watching everyone sinking to those depths is bothersome, and even gets kind of boring, which may be why I don’t watch a lot of TWD. I hear that this season it’s getting much more of a kind of campy humor vibe so maybe the whole scenario is beginning to wear thin and the writers are trying something different.

  4. Mark says:

    Through apathy consistency: You need to get the marketing department onto producing swag with that on it! To help you along here’s a sample image to start from.

    Dawn of Justice: I’m in Tony’s demographic on this one.

    Legends of Tomorrow: I couldn’t get past the first episode.

    West Wing: That’s a show that started a bit odd/slow but by the end was amazing. I really only started watching it after seeing a couple of amazing quote clips by “President Bartlet” on Youtube.

    Neverending legendary in FO4: I thought that legendary meant you didn’t need any ammo for that weapon?

    Wait stores in FO4 leave you caps in the workshops? Well dang, learn something new every day.

    Briar Rose Recasting? Did I miss an announcement about this?

    Getting girls phone#s: How does the Producer feel about that Tony?

    Sites I check daily: Reddit and Newsblur.

    • William says:

      Nope, you didn’t miss an announcement. I wasn’t going to say anything about it, actually, but, as often happens when I’m podcasting with Tony, my “I’m visiting with my close friend Tony” voice overrode my “I’m talking to the entire Internet now” voice. With Briar Rose, certain events required moving some roles around, and everyone impacted by it was, of course, notified. I didn’t see a need to announce it to those not immediately impacted. It wasn’t some scandalous secret, though… I mean, I’d have brought it up in private conversation with, really, any number of people. It just didn’t seem like the kind of thing that needed to be proclaimed on the Internet. But then, podcasting. 🙁

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