Episode 239 : Pokemon Lifestyle

Guns and Pokemon! It’s a violent episode. Plus Tony explains why he’s better than all of you. Enjoy!


Are you a Pokemon blue or Pokemon red person? –Anonymous


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11 Responses to Episode 239 : Pokemon Lifestyle

  1. jas says:

    When I was in England and Scotland this summer I found a lot of people were surprised that I didn’t own guns. I’m not at all surprised that this would be their perception.

  2. jas says:

    Woo Hoo! The club of those who will never watch Titanic. Every year my students try to tell me that I MUST WATCH TITANIC! I don’t explain to them that I would not watch Titanic if it were the last movie on earth.

  3. jas says:

    So here’s the problem I have with the use of privilege. People tend to use it in this arithmetical and categorical way. As in… you are white + female + upperclass. So you get +2 and -1.

    Whereas, in fact, those categories interact with each other, and not in arithemetical ways, in particular when it comes to gender.

    For example, the idea that women are supposed to be in charge of the “private sphere” of home-making and child-rearing, and emotions, and nurturance, and yada yada yada is a fairly recent invention that was made up to justify the idea that women were so different than men that they couldn’t be given the same rights (the vote, the right to own and inherit property).

    But then that ideology was also played upon under capitalism to say–you know, those women in the lower classes, they need to stay home and care for children because that’s women’s inherent role (and thus, voila, making male workers available for more hours of work without the owners having to pay for the childcare that gave them more hours from their laborers, i.e., more profit).

    And then you wind up having lower class men in low-paying, incredibly dangerous work (like mining) and any man growing up in that context would look at the women around him–not having to risk their lives in work, having more time for betterment like education–and think, hey….women have it better than men, what’s all this male privilege BS?

    • William says:

      All valid concerns. The term “privilege” certainly ought to be refined in how it’s defined and applied in sociological and anthropological and, especially, political contexts. I’m not convinced it ought to be abandoned outright, however. (Not saying you’re suggesting it should be… I’ve seen it suggested elsewhere, though.)

  4. jas says:

    I don’t remember which episode it was where Tony talked about the book series which begins with “The Magicians.” Anyway, I just saw it’s going to be series on SyFy:

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Wow. That is *really* going to be an incredibly poor imagining of those books! Like, they’ll barely resemble them at all.

      But I will watch the shit out of that show. 🙂

      • jas says:

        I’m kind of hoping that Quentin is a bit less of a jerk in the TV show. So I’m eager to see the first episode, but prepared to decide I can’t watch it.

        • themagicaltalkinghat says:

          See, part of me would like to see Quentin as less of a jerk… but part of me thinks that Quentin’s jerkiness is kind of the point of the series (though I haven’t finished it yet).

          Everyone is just so pretty, though. I’m kinda surprised the show isn’t appearing on the CW. 🙂

          • jas says:

            Yeah, I think his jerkiness is sort of a given…I’m just not sure that I could watch it. For some reason, I think it’s harder to watch than to read.

  5. Mark says:

    0 trans fat? Then why aren’t I losing weight while listening? :p

    Checking the weather: I do something similar, checking the weather on my smartphone before leaving the house. But if I stop, for any reason (including putting on a jacket), there’s a 50/50 chance I’ll check the weather on my phone again.

    Elliptical servants? Hardly, you’re more oblong than elliptical.

    I recall hearing that there’s an amateur curling league in our area, but never gotten around to checking it out.

    Guns: I’m an American and I think Americans can be very crazy about them, in either direction (pro/con). I’ve never owned a gun and don’t really want one in my house. I hadn’t handled a gun until high school (national guard brought out a mobile shooting range and had us shoot stationary targets with rifles). I’ve been near guns since then and always been slightly unnerved by it (family member showing off new handgun, guy walked into a burger joint with a gun strapped to his side). The idea I frequently hear saying that violent crime wouldn’t be a problem if everybody carried a gun seems incredibly unlikely. If everybody carrying guns hand to go through intense training both in how and when to/not to use the guns; maybe then it might reduce crime but I still doubt it.

    Bernadette Peters: I heard she was coming to town, but didn’t have a chance to go see her. Sounds like I really missed out.

    Pizza: Tony, you hadn’t had the king of pizza styles before this? That’s just sad.

    Titanic: Umm, it was ok I guess but nothing that really needs to be seen.

    Twin Peaks was definitely a great show for it’s time but I’m not sure how well it holds up. Maybe if one sits down to watch it a more a period piece that might work?

    Dune: Lynch’s version is still my favorite adaptions of the book. I know it’s not a good adaption, but it’s still amazing to watch.

    I don’t Pokemon at all, but I can safely say I would never hate you people for this. There are much better reasons to hate you people.

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