Episode 189 : Freaking Fish Mooney!

Catching up from two weeks, we go through some TV shows again, and discuss plans for the near future. Then it’s zombies, love, and Neil Gaiman. Sort of. Enjoy!



What do vegetarian zombies eat? — Anonymous

What real life person do you most admire? — Anonymous


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4 Responses to Episode 189 : Freaking Fish Mooney!

  1. jas says:

    I’ve seen that same information about the new Ms. Marvel character. I was looking into Muslim superhero characters for a class and read a couple issues of the X-Men that centered on Soorya Qadir–who’s an Sunni Muslim Afghani with the power to turn into a dust storm. I think the Ms. Marvel idea is kind of more interesting, but Soorya wears hijab and one of the other female X-Men has a problem with that and I wanted to get my students thinking about the controversy about wearing hijab. There’s a pretty interesting Egyptian female superhero in an online comic named Qahera. Some of the first episodes of that involve Qahera going against the women of “femen.” http://qaherathesuperhero.com/index

  2. Azuretalon says:

    Clearly, vegan zombies eat “Grains, GRAAAAAAIIIINNNNSSSSS!”

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