Episode 151 : Bucket of Bacon

It’s a Mark-themed night tonight, as Hardhat #1 gets all the questions tonight. We also recount Tony’s birthday, and discuss problematic cartoon shows.  And bacon! Mmmm… bacon. Enjoy!



Dear Fabricated Personalities of the Magical Talking Hat, If it wasn’t for those meddling kids, what would you have gotten away with? — Mark McKibben

Dear Tony & William, If you haven’t seen Thor: The Dark World yet, are you planning to? If you have, what did you think of it? — Mark McKibben


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3 Responses to Episode 151 : Bucket of Bacon

  1. jas says:

    Dracula – It could be that they decided to drop all the interesting added stuff which would be sad, except that I think the show is over. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t picked up.

    I thought what happened was sort of similar to something that has happened on other shows that set up with opposing sides (Lost!) and want to keep things interesting by fracturing the sides–they’ve just wound up with waaaay too many plot lines.

    Downton – I wonder if the Producer has stopped watching for the same reason I have. I stopped after the second one this season (the opera singer one). The show had been going downhill rapidly last season anyway. It got much worse in that episode.

    Sherlock mysteries – In the original short stories the best deductive stuff happens right at the beginning (hook) and has nothing to do with the main story. It’s usually Sherlock making deductions about Watson. That seems to be the draw of the original and was on the tv show but they’re doing less and less of it.

    This season so far is doing some weird stuff. I’m still finding it interesting but it seems like a different show.

    • The Producer says:

      re: Downton – In short, yes. I was warned about that episode in a vague sense, looked up spoilers to confirm my suspicions, and quit watching pre-emptively. I really enjoyed the show at first but was enjoying it less and less as time went on, so it seemed like a good place to draw the line.

  2. Mark says:

    WARNING: I’m listening/commenting on this episode while home sick and hopped up on cold meds.

    Audio: I’m not noticing any difference with Phantom Power on or off; however you sound extra quiet on this episode.

    Muscle Relaxers/Back Problems: Wow that sucks.

    Bats: I remember the story about the blood pressure cuff and the real bat, but like William the imaginary bat was new to me. Maybe you only hallucinated telling us that part of the story?

    Amazing Screw-on-Head: It’s as I always say, all really intelligent people should be cremated for reasons of public safety.

    Atlantis: What show is this?

    Blacklist: The early promos looked interesting but I’ve never caught a single episode.

    Tony: Congratulations on having the gumption to survive yet another year.

    SEMOSwat: LOL

    Poutine: I’ve had a home-made version of this that was based on the poutine one can get at Disney World. I found it tasty.
    Brussel Sprouts: All they need is the right amount of butter and salt to be delicious.
    Bucket of Bacon: That sounds amazing and fatal.

    Jennifer Lawrence: To look as good as or to look like? Those are different things. Also how many innocents would you murder for those looks? You said you know how many but you didn’t tell us what the number is

    Sherlock: I’m good with the new season but I’m not thrilled with direction they went with the Watsons.

    Drugs/Sleeping: It’s odd how drugs affect people differently. As an example, Michelle recently slipped on some ice and hit her head (she’s fine now, no cause for concern) but the doctor put her on a pain killer & a muscle relaxer for a few days. While she was taking those; she was effectively trippin’ the entire day in a floaty/happy/hippy sort of way.

    Hard Hat #1: I introduced myself that way exactly one time and only because it was the quickest way to give you the context you needed to know who was calling.

    Scooby-Doo: Really, there’s no answer? *sigh*

    Our Lady of Velma: Yum.

    Thor question: I sent this question in ages ago, back around when it was first out. Additionally you frequently beg for questions, so I probably tossed this out to help fill the Magical Talking Hat with additional questions.

    Hobbit movies: Having just watched the extended version of the first of the Hobbit movies; I’d say it’s much better than the theatrical release. With that being said, I’m still hoping after all three movies are out that somebody does a fan-edit of the films to cut out all the extra crap that doesn’t need to be in the films and cuts them back down to a single movie or if not a single movie at least something that makes sense. Hobbit 2 was filled with tons of extra crap that was just crap and I suspect Hobbit 3 will likewise be filled with crap.

    Gamicon: Hope you had fun there; I was sick this year and didn’t go.

    Lake Michigan Trip: Wow, that sounds nice.

    William always did like me best: But of course!

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