We are all over the map tonight, folks! We got some very serious talk, then some not so serious talk, then some too serious talk, then some not at all serious talk, then some just right serious talk, and then someone falls asleep. Also, we learn the power of belief. It can kill.
What’s it like to be famous? — Bloodsparrow
Dear Minions of the Magical Talking Hat, What are your favorite webcomic(s)? — Mark McKibben
Dear Vocal Extensions of the Magical Talking Hat, Who is your favorite real life pricess of all time? — Mark McKibben
This is the video we watched before we started.
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Bioshock Infinate – I started to watch the Tobuscus play through on YouTube, but he causes me to rage. So I decided that I would play the who series, as I have not played any of them yet. So when I’m done (and no doubt building boatloads of BioShock props), we’ll talk then.
“Is it me or is it him?” – Little bit of column A, Little bit column B.
Do you think perhaps the chapped lips are some how connected to the baked goods?
… Wow… That took a dark turn.
Alien – I only recently saw Preditor and Preditor 3.
I had seen Preditor 2, and Preditor vs Alien vs Batman.
XKCD is great because it’s very honest.
Other webcomics I have enjoyed in the past.
Penny Arcade, PvP, /GU, WarBucket, Sluggy Freelance, Something Positive, Axe Cop, Order of the Stick
William – “The rule of three” is just a fun game people play when famous people die.
: /
I hear “Tony and the Crazies” are opening at SXSW next year.
The Oatmeal is my favorite web comic. Back in the day LiveJournal had a comic called “i <3th darth," about Skywalker family life if Darth Vader was a father figure for Luke and Leia. It's still up, but hasn't been updated since 2005:
Tony – Yes, I knew Bella Sala existed. I’ve even been to a wedding reception there. I think it’s new within the past 10 years, and more like the last 5.
Tony – I agree with you about Lincoln. It was an alright film, but the assassination did seem to be tacked onto the end. I think if they wanted to touch on it at all, it would have been better handled as follow-up text at the end, rather than in actual scenes. End at the passing of the 13th amendment.
Tony – no, Princess Grace is no longer alive. I believe she died in a car accident when she had a stroke while driving on a curvy, mountainous road in Monaco.
Yes, celebrities do seem to die in 3s (normal people you’re acquainted with seem to also). Example: Michael Jackson, Farrah Faucet, and the Oxi Clean guy all died within a few days of each other.
William – Have you seen “The Queen” ? If so, I don’t want you to be confused: Queen Elizabeth (II) is still alive. Though if you followed the plot of the movie, you already know that Princess Diana is not.
As for the rule of 3 there, Princess Diana, Dodi Al-Fayed (admittedly, more famous in death than in life), and Mother Teresa all died within a week of each other in 1997.
In the week following Princess Diana’s death, Viktor Frankl and Elizabeth Brooks also died, two names I’d have recognized along with Mother Teresa. Actually, racecar driver Chuck Arnold also died that week… I think I even recall that. So… at least four names in the “famous obits” I recognized that week, perhaps even five, and I don’t even have to count Al-Fayed, whose name I’d never heard until Diana’s death.
Looking at deaths in 2009 noted in wiki, I don’t see any names I recognize a week before or a week after Jackson and Fawcett. Add a week or two, though, and I note David Carradine (earlier in June) and Karl Malden (July 1). Also, Walter Cronkite is often counted along with Jackson and Fawcett to complete a “famous 3”, but his death was three weeks later. If we can count anyone within a 3-to-6 week span for our count, I’m definitely going to come up with more than three. (Although not necessarily a multiple of 3, Tony. 🙂
I’ve heard the rule of three applied to famous deaths, deaths of people you know, and just bad news in general. But it always seems to me like, to fit the pattern, folks either ignore things that would raise the count over three, or they elevate some comparatively trivial event to serve as third.
OK, I’ll stop now, since Bloodsparrow seems to dislike it when I’m snarky. 🙂
Is it me or does Tony sound kind of muffled in this episode?
Secret creative projects? Oooh.
Bioshock Infinite: You’re quite right, not interested.
Tony’s PT: Sorry to hear this hasn’t been going well, but glad to hear it’s getting back on track.
Tig? Who’s Tig?
Dresden files & insanity, whee!
I guess with such a glowing recommendation; I’ll have to add Unicorn City to our Netflix queue.
Lincoln: Meh, I’ve generally heard this movie is awesome but I just never felt any desire to see it. As for Tony’s comment about Lincoln being shot; of course they have to include that. Nobody’s going to make a Lincoln II: Die Harder sequel movie and putting in his death scene cements that there won’t be a follow up to the movie by same cast & crew.
Chapped lips: It’s due to all that baby kissing you have to do now that you’re famous.
Webcomics: I don’t read as many of these as I used to either but was curious if you guys read any that I don’t and William’s totally letting me down. I too tend to start reading any “new” webcomic by going through their entire backlog first, but once I’m caught up and reading regularly I use the Morning Coffee extension for Firefox to check the ones I’m currently reading every day, It’s uber handy for that. As for what I read these days: Questionable Content (current favorite), XKCD, PVPOnline, Penny Arcade and Girl Genius. Seems like there’s more than that but I can’t remember the rest off the top of my head. Oh and while I do read The Oatmeal, I don’t generally count it as a webcomic mostly because he seems to update it at random intervals; so I tend to think of it more as a blog that posts art rather than text.
Aliens: You should totally watch this; it’s great classic sci-fi/horror. Prometheus, on the other hand, is a massive pile of worthless poo and should be avoided; unless you want to waste hours of your life mocking the ridiculousness of how bad this movie is.
RLP: I checked my sent mail and it was “Princess” when I sent that question. So either The Magical Talking Hat made a magical typo or a vocal extension transcribing the question did so inaccurately. Also I’m pretty sure this question was prompted by something I heard while listening to a previous episode of the podcast, but now I can’t remember what it was.
Margaret Thatcher: Maybe because you haven’t heard anything about her in so long, other than the Iron Lady movie?
The world will be saved by steam!