Episode 85 : Schrodinger’s Episode

In tonight’s episode, Tony might be a LITTLE bit drinky. And William is VERY serious. So it’s hilarious. And deep. And thought-provoking. And pointless. Pretty much the usual.



Define “the powers that be.” — Bloodsparrow

Dear TMTH, Excluding flight and invisibility what superpowers would you most want to have? –Mark McKibben

Chili… Beans or no beans? — Anon

Dear The Magical Talking Hat, Discuss conventional vs. naturopathic medinice. — Kiya B.

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7 Responses to Episode 85 : Schrodinger’s Episode

  1. Bloodsparrow says:

    1. Excersize and hitting a wall: You may want to consider changing up your workouts. I can highly reccomend using an elyptical machine if you’re conserned on pain in the legs and knees. Alternate between the recumbent stationary bike and that. I agree that rest is good but working out every day is also good. I do cardio for 30-45 min on Mon., Tues., Thurs. and then I meet with a trainer on Wed. and Fri. When I work with the trainer, we focus on strength and flexability. Recumbent bike seems to me that you’re focusing on your lower body, give your lower body a break and work on full body or upper body every couple of days. On the subject of the video, I emailed that link to The Hat. Ask The Hat.

    2. Politics – I don’t want to talk about it.

    3. The powers that be: I sent that question in while listening to a recent previous episode of TMTH and William said something about “The powers that be”… I should have indicated that I was interested in knowing what he ment by that at that time but it would probably have been digested… I don’t remember the context… So… Oh well. Probably had something to do with apples…

    4. Super Powers: Telekenesis.

    5. Chili and beans: This is another one of mine. Being from California, where we put beans in our chili, and now living in Texas, where people are rather fanatic about beans not belonging in chili, I was interested in the perspective of people from another part of the country. I prefer beans in my chili UNLESS we’re talking about chili that goes on top of fries, hotdogs, or burgers (and under cheese of course). In those cases, I don’t want beans because they would be cumbersome. Tommy Burgers, a psudo-famous LA fast food chain, does not have beans in the chili they put on their hotdogs, burgers, and fries. Likewise for Fatburger I believe. Fast food chili doesn’t tend to have beans in my experience, which is as it should be because it’s for ladeling over top of things. But if I’m having a bowl of chili, with a hunk of corn bread, there damn well better be some beans in there.

    6. Health care: Yes. I agree. That is all.

    7. We may have a new listener, a friend of mine who noticed me laughing at the podcast description last night. Hi Maggie!

  2. themagicaltalkinghat says:

    Found the video! For some reason, it had gone to spam. Thanks! I’m gonna try that out. Is there any worry of shin-splints? I thought too many toe raises could cause that.

    I have to say, I’m genuinely moved that someone recorded and posted to YouTube a video just to help me learn something. 🙂

    • Bloodsparrow says:

      I’m not certain, but my understanding is that shin splints are partly caused by a lack of muscle strength and repeated impact. But I’m not a doctor or a trainer, so you may want to consult somebody with a degree in something other then theater. 😛 🙂

      What I do know about my own case of leg pain when I walk or try to run is that it’s caused by poor circulation. So I’ve ordered some compression socks that go up past my calves, which are supposed to help with that.

      When I told my trainer I wanted to make a video for a friend, I had thought that the exercise would be something a little more complicated then toe raises. But the thing about keeping your body aligned when you’re standing on only one foot I think comes out better visually then trying to explain it.

      Another thing you may want to look into is foam rollers. As somebody with the problem of “too much me in the way”, most foam rolling instructions look like a bunch of skinny people contorting themselves into knots I could never get into and rocking back and forth like some kind of Cirque De Soleil nightmare, but if you can get the hang of it, they’re pretty great.

      • Bloodsparrow says:

        That last paragraph was poorly worded… I’m the person with the problem of “too much me in the way” I’m referring to there.

  3. Mark says:

    I definitly appreciate your restraint in not doing a gungam style parody.

    Politics: Meh, I’ve already voted (absentee ballots make that easy!) and I’m rather burned out on hearing anyway about the election.

    Benghazi: William, keep in mind that sometimes the government will lie about what intelligence they’ve got in order to protect their sources/assets. Also commenting on one debate does not oblige you to comment on any of the others. :p

    Getting up early: As I’m more of a night person, I agree that getting up earlier than I am required to do so is not a pleasant thing. That being said over the past couple of months I’ve been getting up slightly earlier than I usually do and biking to work. This turns out to be refreshing, though it probably doesn’t hurt that the route to work is all downhill. 🙂 On the other hand, the ride home is much, much harder. Especially since it’s all up hill and going from sitting at the office all day doesn’t give me any warm up before I start hitting the up-slope.

    Sorry to hear the gaming didn’t go as well as you wanted.

    Halloween: Bah, humbug. We gave up on Halloween in our neighborhood; we kept getting too many adults and kids without costumes. Instead we go catch a movie, this year we think we’ll probably go see ParaNorman.

    Cat farts: Ewww…..

    Venn diagrams & Schrodinger’s Cat: Most adults today will know of these, younger audiences less so (at least such is my experience). I didn’t hear of Venn diagrams until high school or maybe college. They were likely used during all my younger days, but I don’t recall what they were ever being discussed. And while I’d like to think more people have heard of Schrodinger’s cat, I can’t say Tony’s informal poll surprises me.

    Superpowers: The previous mention of superpowers was back in episode 32 (just over a year ago, how weird is that?) and it devolved into flight vs invisbility (which is an argument made famous by John Hodgeman on This American Life). Also wow William, I didn’t expect you go to all dark side like that with the Mind Control. I’ll also note that I didn’t say you had to be superheroes with your superpower; I just asked what power you wanted.

    Since I don’t eat a lot of chilli, I tend to take whatever I’ve been given. That being said I believe the vast majority of chillis I’ve had did include beans.

    Pizza: Actually I think pizza is going back to be more customized (excluding the major fast food chains).

    Naturopathic medicine: I hadn’t heard of this before and while I generally don’t approve of people dismissing things out of hand; having done a google search for naturopathic medicine, I think Tony made the correct call.

    Oddly enough, there was a phone ringing in my office at the exact same time there was one ringing on the podcast.

    Preventative medicine: I’d say the reason most people don’t get this is also largely cost. Fortunately, the insurance companies have noticed (as Tony mentioned) are starting to wake up to the benefits of preventative medicine.

    • William says:

      To clarify…

      I didn’t feel obligated to the listeners in commenting on the debates. I felt obligated to myself, as I’d put opinions “out there” that were truncated in relation to what I actually thought, opinions that required “updating” if they were to be made more accurate, especially in light of recent events.

      Of course, the real transgression on my part was thinking I have any obligation to anyone other than the Hat and the listeners. Mea culpa, dear listeners! Mea culpa!


  4. SirGuido says:

    Chili with beans? Depends on the kind of chili. You people are dumb. That Texmex concoction usually has beans and thats fine by men, but REAL chili has no beans. Instead its served on cooked spaghetti or on a hot dog in a bun, and then topped with onions and shredded cheddar cheese. In my case that is then doused with Frank’s Red Hot. Then again, that could be the Cincinnati in my genes.

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