Episode 704 : Tony’s Medical Corner

YouTube link here. I think there’s some Ezzie in the corner, if you watch closely.

This week we have no emails. So Tony talks a lot about his butt, William gets deep into biblical scripture, and we discuss a LOT of movies. Like, a lot of them. Enjoy!

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6 Responses to Episode 704 : Tony’s Medical Corner

  1. Azuretalon says:

    Sounds like Trish was asking to watch Black Sheep

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Yeah, we watched that not terribly long ago, which I think was what made her describe it in that way. I mean, it is very clearly a specific movie… but also a KIND of movie, you know?

  2. Beth says:

    Not sure if you forgot about me, think I’m older than I am, or that I stopped listening, but I’m not yet the recommended age for a colonoscopy!

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      You’re the only one I think of, actually. When I thought about how “not many” listeners are young enough, I’m pretty sure it’s literally just you. Otherwise, I think everyone who listens is my age or older. Well… maybe Azuretalon is younger, but if so, not by much.

      Something to look forward to, then! 🙂

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