Episode 687 : Or You Live Long Enough to Become a Podcast

YouTube link here. It was weeks ago, so maybe kitties, maybe not?

We’re deep in the morally grey areas this week! We crap on a childhood classic, punch… well, not down, but less high than usual, and then shove ourselves into a gaming group dynamic we have no part in. We’re basically heroes at this point. Also, this should be our last time recording ahead for a bit, so send in those emails, please! Enjoy!

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2 Responses to Episode 687 : Or You Live Long Enough to Become a Podcast

  1. Azuretalon says:

    “I’m sorry” rare shade from William, I assume because of Marvel?

    To be clear, you’re 100% right that it’s not a problem… so don’t make it one. Just seems weird to not have someone eventually look into all these murdered criminals.

    It’s mostly a joke, as Tony said. She’s a what they threaten uppity bad guys with.

    The word William skipped was Maggia. Maggia gonna. Marvels way to use the Mafia without saying Mafia.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Honestly, I think it would drive me a little crazy if I had a cold-blooded killer in my hero game. But the wisdom would be in knowing that it’s not bothering anyone, so no problem.

      Yet another time when I can give advice that I probably could not follow myself. :):

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