Episode 635 : Blue Claw on a Monkey’s Paw

YouTube link here. Lots of good eye contact.

This week, we make the listeners decide who they love more. A lot of good movies and TV as well. And then we get really meta, thanks to Stu. Enjoy!

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8 Responses to Episode 635 : Blue Claw on a Monkey’s Paw

  1. Azuretalon says:

    I feel very, very seen. Nicest thing anyone has said about me all week!

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      What I love here is that we said a lot of different things about you, some positive, some negative… and yet I’m still convinced all of it was, collectively, the nicest thing said about you all week. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • Azuretalon says:

        Specifically, the thing about when I die Iโ€™ll become a trickster Djinn. You canโ€™t take William speaking that sort of thing lightly. But, yes, in general any attention is good attention.

        • themagicaltalkinghat says:

          Oh, that!

          I mean, that’s just what’s gonna happen. Anyone who knows you know that’s what’s going to happen. I assumed it was common knowledge at this point. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. jas says:

    I saw “The Cheap Detective” when it was first released, but I haven’t thought about it in a long time. Thanks for the reminder! (Maybe I should add that to the Detective Fiction course.)

    There’s a good movie from the 60s that played on that “starring everyone” theme called “The List of Adrian Messenger.” It’s a good mystery story, and there are a lot of disguises used, so you may not recognize all the cameo appearances.

    Also, if you haven’t seen the German movie “Wings of Desire,” it’s a Peter Falk appearance I’d highly recommend. He plays himself filming an episode of Columbo in Berlin. The movie itself is great too (though kind of a philosophical bent without a lot of action so some find it slow).

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Ooh! Never heard of The List of Adrian Messenger! I’ll write that down.

      I had Wings of Desire recommended to me back in the mid-90s, during one of those intense film conversations you only really have in a college dining hall. I’ve since learned more and more about it, and have told myself time and again that I need to watch it.

      I think the seeming seriousness and intensity of it has kept me away. But I’ve also recently learned things that make me think I’m being overly cautious. I really should do it.

      It’s old enough now, and was well received enough that it should be easily accessible to me on some streaming site. I’ll work on that.

  3. jas says:

    Oh, and here’s a news story about that ad that Tony mentioned at the beginning. Apparently the woman is the nurse who administered the first Covid-19 vaccine in Britain.


  4. NotBeth says:

    William, are you talking about the basis of String Theory?

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