Episode 602 : Speaking Truth from Power

YouTube link here. Just a variety of kitties this time!

Part 2 of 2. This week, we catch up on last week. Then we try and solve the modern world of romance, as only straight cis white men can. Enjoy!

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4 Responses to Episode 602 : Speaking Truth from Power

  1. jas says:

    Cleansers: I really don’t like the smell of bleach. I actually don’t like Pine Sol much either. I use Mrs. Meyer’s multi-surface – lavender scent, and I really like the way that smells and do associate it with things being clean.

    Slay the Spire has been recommended to me as a replacement for Hearthstone. I have a love/hate relation with Hearthstone–which is a constructed deck, cross-platform card game. What I don’t like–snarky use of emotes which, according to Wikipedia, are supposed to be compliments, but people quickly figured out to use them in sarcastic ways (such that, they had to put in a feature which allows you to silence your opponent). And, every time they come out with new cards there is a period in which certain decks become completely over-powered. On the other hand, I’m kind of addicted to the combination of having to figure out good strategies and having those strategies result in going up the ranked order.

    I loved strategy board games as a kid. Also, played tournament bridge with my Dad. So I think I am pretty competitive.

    “The Duke” sounds just up my alley–thanks for the recommendation.

    BTW–has anyone watched the Junior Bake-Off. The kids are adorable and supportive of each other, but I had to start turning off the tv when they announced which kid was going home, ’cause a lot of them get quite upset.

    Dating–y’all came up with a lot of interesting factors that are going into contemporary dating. One thing that you didn’t mention, which is actually the thing I notice the most among people I know, is that people have to work so many hours, and sometimes hours that are not 9-5 because they are service jobs, that they don’t have much time to date, and/or are not available at the same time as other people.

    From what I understand, the work-hours thing is so bad in Japan that it has led to zero population growth.

    This is a continuation of a point you both were making–but I really notice strong differences in expectations among various groups. Just to give an example–out of a discussion in one of my classes last semester, I found out that among my heterosexual students, most of them expected, if female, that their boyfriends would ask their Dads for permission to marry them, and if male, that they would be asking future Dads-in-law for permission. I was pretty shocked by that, and did try to go over why I thought this was a pretty nasty hold-over from the days that women didn’t have any independent subject position in Western culture.

    Then among 20-somethings that I know as friends, or who are friends of my son’s–there’s an entire spectrum going from wanting to fall-in-love and be with one person, to no interest in romance, to some kind of “casual-hook-up” for-the-time-being mentality, demisexual, asexual, polyamory, and so on.

    There’s just a lot of ‘splaining to do.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Having not actually played Hearthstone, but knowing a little about it, I’d say that Slay the Spire will scratch the same itch… but only as a single player. The only real multi-player is a daily challenge spire, where I guess you could see how you do against others. But no actual multi-player competition.

      Yeah, the work-hours thing actually just came up in a conversation with an intentionally single friend, and trying to deal with their own healthcare needs. I forget that so many jobs these days are built around working hard enough to basically have no life outside of it. 🙁

      Also, you’ve now made me pity the youth of today even more than I already did. Which, honestly, is probably the most mentally healthy way I can view them, at this point.

  2. jas says:

    Oh forgot to tell you, I really liked the episode title. 🙂

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