Episode 463 : Dwayne the Oaf

Part 1 of 2. This episode is all about scenery and piracy! It’s also part of a double episode, so… prepare for that, next week. Enjoy!


What is the most beautiful view you’ve ever seen? –Cawfee

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2 Responses to Episode 463 : Dwayne the Oaf

  1. Beth says:

    I think Carver is named after a big donor, possibly with no athletic ability.

    I understand what you’re saying about photos of wonderful things. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t take pictures, for that very reason. I also sometimes wonder if I can do the natural beauty of it justice in a photo.
    I somewhat agree with you about videos of experiences. Your kid performing is tricky, maybe your kid will want a montage later and you want the video, or you’re too cheap to buy the professional video. However, not everything needs to be recorded. When I was in parades (in marching band, representing community groups, and as a “celebrity”) I’m constantly baffled by people who are taking complete video of say, the Coralville 4th of July parade. What are you going to do with that? Will you ever watch again? If you’re taking a clip of YOUR person’s parade entry, I totally get that, but the WHOLE parade? Most of the interest in parades is due to the excitement of being there, surrounded by other people, an aspect completely lost when capturing it on film.

    When I was in high school, we went on a family/band trip to Europe. The night we arrived, we were on a bus tour that had some permit issues, so the tour drove us jetlagged people around the exterior wall of Rome at dusk. On your left is a wall. On your right is fields upon fields, unpopulated by man or beast. Most of us were interested in trying to soak up the culture, but soon succumb to sleep. One mom videoed the whole thing. I still am not clear the purpose of that effort.

    • themagicaltalkinghat says:

      Your poor, sainted mother was trying to let you sleep, but let you experience the majesty of the…wall, sometime later on.

      You ungrateful child! Harumph!

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