Episode 432 : Two Corduroy Jackets

Part 2 of 2. Also four of four. We’re tired at this point, so we can’t think of enough random crap to talk about. So, lucky you! We actually got to a bunch of questions! Enjoy!


Please explain the running joke of ladies farting while drinking wine outside in restaurants on Family Guy. –Cawfee

Humble servants of the hat: You are marooned on an island. You can take a magical iPad that is locked to a single streaming service. Which is it? –Anon

Golden Boys, Cake or pie? –Azuretalon

M’dudes, What do you think of these new corduroy pillows that are making headlines? –Azuretalon


William learned a lot about himself from episode 1 and episode 3 of this show, tonight.

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11 Responses to Episode 432 : Two Corduroy Jackets

  1. William says:

    Happy 100th Birthday, A&W!

  2. Azuretalon says:

    I also love 1919. I think officially the name has nothing to do with A&W but is referring to the year prohibition started and that’s when a lot of breweries switched to soda. Same reason A&W was established for the same reason. You can get 1919 at the root beer store in Galena if it’s still there.

  3. Craig says:

    I have to say that personally every time I’ve tried root beer I’ve regretted it. My first reaction is pretty much always that it tastes like mouthwash and I just don’t get why people would drink it.

    Then again I love Irn Bru which my wife cannot understand and thinks should be banned.

  4. Stuart says:

    Must be a Scottish thing, can confirm the Welsh* like root beer.

    *Sample size of 1.

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