Episode 329 : The Perfect Episode

We catch up a bit this week, since the Evils took over last week. Also, goats. Honestly, we talk about sex a lot. It wasn’t on purpose, and the goats aren’t involved, but there you go. And it’s all rather tasteful… William doesn’t even get quiet and embarrassed, so how bad could it be? Enjoy!


What would constitute a perfect day for you? –Cawfee

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4 Responses to Episode 329 : The Perfect Episode

  1. Courtenay says:

    What is your favorite joke to tell?

  2. Beth says:

    The Theodore Roosevelt Educational Center in Iowa City I think just houses various administrative offices, it’s not a school anymore.

  3. Mark says:

    A/C is definitely more noticeable in this episode.

    Progressive Lenses: This is likely too late to do you any good; but the I got these with my last pair of glasses and for me it was a waste of money. I say this for two reasons:
    1. With my (rather strong) prescription; at “full dark” my lenses barely dim things.
    2. Progressive works by absorbing UV light which most modern glass (like the windows in your car) already block. This means if you’re driving with the windows up, the lenses don’t darken at all.

    2 Hosts/5 Testicles: I’m tempted to ask for clarification, but I’m resisting. Mostly because I’m pretty sure I really don’t want to know the answer.

    Spontaneous Family Wonderfulness? Now that’s something I’d like more details on.

    Olives: William’s right, Tony’s wrong. ‘Nuff said.

    Cucumbers/Melons? Huh, I’ve never heard of anybody disliking these.

    Beets: I’m totally on board with hating these abominations.

    Minneapolis: Yup, we do that drive regularly, though not for baseball.

    The Mummy: I deliberately skipped this. The trailers looked terrible to me. But I’m admittedly biased as I loved the pulpy/fun feel of the 1999 version staring Brendan Fraser. Also, I’ve never been a big fan of Tom Cruise.

    Logan: I’ve still not seen this, but none of the X-films have done anything for me for long enough that I don’t recall when any of them actually worked for me.

    Goats: Fun!

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