Episode 328 : Mystery Episode 38

Another mystery? So soon after the last one? Could this be a push by the Evil Universe to invade ours on a more permanent basis? Probably. Enjoy!



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3 Responses to Episode 328 : Mystery Episode 38

  1. jas says:

    One thing I think is true based on my Dad’s parenting style–if you teach a kid that there’s more than one culture’s approach to something, the kid will tend to generalize that concept. In my case, my Dad was very into teaching me that there were all kinds of different religions, with different ideas about who God or the gods were, with different holidays and traditions. (He gave me a Time Magazine book called “The World’s Great Religions” when I was five. It showed bloodletting as part of Ashura on one page, and a depiction of the Crucifixion on another, and I thought–why is bleeding such an important part of religion?) And then in school I remember we were shown a documentary about the Inuit which described things they ate like blubber, and all the kids were disgusted, and I thought–but we don’t know how it tastes. Of course now I know, it’s probably disgusting! 🙂

    The Supergirl addition to my question was not meant to be an answer exactly. I mean I wanted to suggest some example in which the impulses of a show seem to be contradictory and wonder how one figures that out.


    In early human tribes (and some still today), I imagine that identity and purpose were tied together more strongly. We are related, we live near each other, and we need to support each other and work together for our survival. A squadron of soldiers I imagine still works this way. I have heard some people talk about the fact that a major factor in PTSD for soldiers is the loss of that tribe.

    But in most other instances, the two do not go together and this seems problematic. As for instance, Clinton supporters suggesting that all women must support her (shared identity should equal shared purpose). I don’t often feel a sense of tribe around identity, but I do have some strong tribal connections around purpose.

    • Beth says:

      Jas, the theory you mention about PTSD for soldiers is interesting. While PTSD is not a new phenomenon, it is a more recently observed/recognized one. It also appears more widespread in today’s soldiers. I had heard that part of that reason is because up until WWII/Korea, it took soldiers a long time to get home – via train, ship, or walking. This gave the soldiers a longer transition period from frontlines to homefront, and incidentally, time to decompress/share with their fellow soldiers some mutual experiences. With Vietnam, soldiers began in earnest being flown home, and that forced rumination time with people with similar experiences was essentially eliminated. I think this small, change has made a big and long term impact on the lives of the warriors returning home.

  2. Mark says:

    Evil Tony: I’m not sure if the non-Evil Tony just posts your mystery episodes out of order but you have previously said there aren’t any other podcasts in the Evil ‘Verse.

    Songs don’t pop into my head while walking as I don’t go for walks without either having either somebody to talk to or podcasts playing on my headphones.

    Wiping: Nope, nope, nope, and nope.

    Tribes: My only response at this time is best summarized by this YouTube link.

    Supergirl: Not in my universe.

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